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That would be the last portal I had to take, as I rode up the gravity lift from where the portal had transported me. Getting this far and still surviving was almost a miracle; without any military training that is.

The Didact would have heavy resistance up ahead to make sure I didn't mess around. But what would I do once I reached him? Beg him to stop his madness? I didn't want to fight him, but I would fight whatever would stand in my way to reach him. Maybe I don't need a plan. But this time I'm going to tell him how I feel, no holding back, do whatever it takes to break the evil that has consumed him. I thought.

The gravity lift reached the top, and down another ramp in front of me, was a horizontal gravity lift, that thrust out into the wide void ahead, through three metal rings. The first thing that came to view over the horizon was a glowing orange orb, the source of the Composer I guessed. It was surrounded by an inverted triangle structure.

If that's where the Didact is, there's only one way to get over there. I thought, and I ran towards the gravity lift, and as soon as I stepped on it, I was thrust into the air through the three metal rings. The large room came into view and opened up to reveal a wide open round space with the inverted triangle in the middle. The center contained the glowing orb.

It was the Composer; right where it needed to be in order for it to work; in the very center of the structure. I looked down to see that I was still airborne, hoping that I would not fall before reaching the closest platform.

"And so......you come at last." The Didact's voice filled the room; only he sounded like he was close. My heart raced. This was it, I would see him again. I didn't know how I was going to stop him, but all I knew was that I was going to tell him how I felt, whatever the cost. Maybe my feelings of love for him would unveil the good in him, breaking free from the Gravemind's manipulation.

A strong slipspace rupture was building up underneath the Composer, he was powering it up. The wide round ceiling opened up, just like Requiem's outer layer. I looked up and saw Earth. I had not seen Earth in three years. My home country was mostly melted glaciers now, and from space it looked like ice covering the whole Northern part of the continent.

I turned my focus back to the glowing orb in the center of the Composer. It drew closer as I crossed the long void. Do not be afraid, you've come this far, don't stop now. I thought as the platform that I was to land on came into view. I took a few deep breaths to keep my confidence going, and then I touched the ground.

I followed the upward ramp, and stocked up on some extra grenades and Lightrifle ammo. I didn't know what the Didact had waiting for me, but I could guess that most of his Knights had gathered here. The door in front of me opened and the orange orb came into view as a shield generator. I walked down the ramp, clutching my Lightrifle and looked at it.

Inside it to my surprise was the Didact. He had sealed himself inside the Composer, and he appeared to be floating in the center of the shield, waving his arms as if using telekinesis to power the Composer, and send his underlings after intruders. I looked at him, and put my hand on my heart, nearly dropping the Lightrifle. He knew I was there, and when he looked at me, he didn't say anything. He continued wave one arm and then the other like he was doing air ballet. I had to get him out of there, or else I couldn't confront him.

To my left and right were two platforms with three levels that were giving off beams to seal the Didact inside his protective shield. My Lightrifle ammo was full and I had five grenades clipped to my belt. That was plenty, I hoped.

"Get ready Didact, because you're not keeping anything between you and I," I said, looking at the shield. I didn't care if he heard me or not. Then I leaped into the gravity lift to the left and crossed the void towards the platform connecting to the beam.

The Good, the Bad, and the DidactWhere stories live. Discover now