Chapter 9: Through the Storms

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"See anyone?"

"Not yet," Puffball's auto-tune voice rang out. She and Gelatin had been searching for a while, but had found nobody. Suddenly, one of the mountaintops exploded and lava spewed everywhere. "Woah!"

"Oh boy, a volcano. Why am I not surprised?" Gelatin said sarcastically. Then he looked up. A huge rock was hurtling towards them. "Look out!"

Puffball barely managed to dodge the rock and they both breathed a sigh of relief. Then Gelatin spotted someone. "Hey! It's Donut!"

Donut was trapped on a higher rock that the lava was flowing around. It wasn't rising, but he couldn't escape, either. Puffball flew down to him.

Donut noticed them. "Gelatin! Thank dough. Can you and Puffball give me a lift out of here?"

"I was considering that," Gelatin said, "but then I remembered that this is a free-for-all, and there's not too many people left. Sorry, Bagel Boy, but we're gonna have to push you in. Besides, I have a craving for deep-fried donuts." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"How could you?" Donut shouted. "I thought we were on the same team!"

"Were you not listening? This last competition is every man for himself."

"Then why are you teaming with Puffball, hm?"

Gelatin's confident smile wavered. "W-well, can you fly?"

"Oh, so you're only using her because she's useful," Donut scoffed. "Have you considered that she may be using you for your arms? She could dump you in the lava anytime, or fly over the void and drop you in."

The thought had crossed Puffball's mind, but before she could say anything, Gelatin pulled out a fork in each hand - from where, PB couldn't imagine - and twirled them through his fingers. "If I go down, she goes down with me. Now, PB, let's get him!" Puffball rolled her eyes and lowered herself down.

Gelatin knelt down so that he could push Donut off, but when he reached out, Donut grabbed his arms. "Ahh!" Gelatin tried to pull himself up and took Donut with him. Deciding she couldn't trust Gelatin anymore, Puffball took the opportunity to flip herself over and let both the desserts fall off. They dissolved in the lava, and two cannon shots fired.

Puffball hovered there for a moment. "Maybe I should go solo from now on." She turned and sped off into the sky.


Flower decided that she hated snow. She had been stuck in a snowstorm for the past night, trudging against the wind the best she could. But her energy was running low, her petals were starting to freeze, and she couldn't see a thing. "I hate this," she muttered, doing a good imitation of Fanny.

She saw a flash of yellow ahead. Salvation? Hope filled her with new energy and she surged forwards. Suddenly, she exited the snowstorm, only to be immediately encased in a sandstorm instead. She stopped, more confused than ever.

"WHY IS THERE A SANDSTORM NEXT TO A SNOWSTORM?!" Flower screeched. She backed up until she felt the snow on her back, then turned around until she had the sandstorm on her left and the snowstorm on her right and started walking forward. Thankfully, it was only a few minutes before she reached the edge of both storms. She flopped onto the rocks and panted heavily, burning from the heat and stinging from the cold at the same time.

After a minute, she got up and looked back at the storms. They stopped abruptly about 3 feet behind her, each seeming to hit some invisible barrier, but they stretched all the way around and behind into their respective biomes. Turning toward the mountain - and hoping she could find TV again, to give him a piece of her mind - she began to climb.


The forest was silent, but not for long as Pie and PDA's voices appeared and began to slowly grow louder. "...and that's everything that's happened in BFB so far," Pie finished. "A whole lot more happened before that, in BFDI and BFDIA and IDFB, but I wasn't there for any of it, so you'd have to ask an original contestant."

"Wow." PDA was silent for a moment. "That's a lot to take in."

"Yeah. And now you know why my team is called Death PACT."

"A bit ironic."

Pie sighed. "We're aware."

The bushes ahead rustled. "A foe?" PDA suddenly sounded excited. "En garde!" He pulled out his stylus and charged forward, disappearing into the leaves. "PDA, wait!" Pie walked after him.

When she pushed past the bushes, she was greeted with a strange sight. PDA was sword-fighting (stylus-fighting?) with Liy, who had some long, metal object that Pie couldn't make out at first. But she didn't want either of them to die. "Liy!" she yelled.

Liy jumped, and she accidentally whacked PDA's stylus into the forest. "My weapon!" he cried. He ran off to go find it.

"Liy what were you doing?" Pie asked her. "You know we're supposed to prevent death, but I saw the other night that you had killed someone." Then she realized something. "Is that Needle's corpse?"

Liy leaned on Needle and scoffed. "Come on, Pie. This is a new competition - every woman for herself. There is no Death PACT anymore. Besides, I've already killed a bunch of others. Pin, Coiny, Leafy, Saw-"

"You killed them too??" Pie gasped in shock. She and PDA had passed by the crater and seen some of the other's bodies, but didn't know who did that until now.

Pie was mortified. She had never felt this angry before. "You- you-"

"Just because you got less votes than me in episode 5 doesn't mean you can tell me what to do."

"That's not the point at ALL!"

They argued like that for another minute before Teardrop interrupted the conversation with a sledgehammer. She burst through the bushes, smashed it into Liy's head, and obliterated her.

Pie stared at the spot where Liy was a moment before. "You..." Then she exploded from emotions. Teardrop wiped blueberry filling off her face as two cannon shots echoed overhead.

Suddenly, more bushes rustled, and PDA jumped out, wielding his stylus. "Haha! I have returned to-" He stopped and surveyed the carnage. "Hm. It appears I was not needed after all." He turned towards Teardrop. "You would be... Raindrop? Is that correct?"

TD shook her head. She then lifted her hammer and advanced on him.

PDA backed up. "I won't argue against a lady with a hammer, but-" TD suddenly started running towards him and he fled. "Isn't this a bit extreme??" His voice faded away.

the gelly man has betrayed the bagel brain :(

only two more chapters till the finale!

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