Wreow an update look at that

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A/N: Hi!!! I know. An update on my main fic? It's a goddamn Christmas miracle XD

Just wanted to apologise quickly as it is highly likely a lot of this may not perfectly align with the story of the previous chapters but shhhh it's because I haven't written anything in so long... enjoy it anyway!

Gee... oh god... Gee... You rocked back and forward in your bed, a solemn and concerned Frank gripping your hand tightly as you sobbed and sobbed helplessly. "He'll be okay, we know he will. He just really needs to be with Mikey right now, I know it hurts that he doesn't want to be around me or you, but... just trust me on this one, okay?" Frank being comforting was still not something you were entirely used to, and it made you smile. But, despite your smiles, there was still a horrible, twisting, writhing feeling in your stomach making you want to throw up with worry. Frank pulled you in much closer and stroked your hair, letting you at least attempt to cry it out.

The two of you sat there in moderate silence for what seemed like hours, your weak and broken sounds the only thing to break it. No words really seemed right. Frank was being torn apart by the events of the past hours too, but you knew he would rather die than show it. Not while you were like this.

Suddenly, your phone rang. It was Gee! You answered it quickly and put it on speaker so Frank, who had leaned close to the phone, could also hear. His tone was cautious and jumpy as he greeted you. "Hey, sugar..." You blushed at the nickname even though you knew this was completely the wrong time. "Hey Gee, how you feeling?" There was silence down the other end of the line for a bit, until Mikey broke it, clearly trying to support Gee any way that he could. "He's feeling better, but actually, he had something he wanted to ask." You could hear Gee and Mikey talking in the background noise, Mikey asking him if he was okay to say it himself and Gee just whimpering; God, he could be adorable sometimes. "And I'm supposed to be the little brother," Mikey joked, somewhat awkwardly, "He wanted to go get coffee with you tomorrow. Just to explain everything."

You quickly accepted and you could've sworn you heard Gee smile, which, in turn, made you smile, then Frank; a domino affect of happiness. You said goodbye to Mikey and sent kisses down the phone for Gerard.

You gave yourself a tight hug, briefly forgetting there was someone else in the room. And that someone had no intent of letting you suffer any longer. Frank grabbed you, making you scream slightly and laugh. "You know, if I'd known you'd be so dang miserable all the time I never would've suggested letting you crash here, man!" He joked, elbowing you lightly. "C'mon, let's do something fun, you damn killjoy."
"Fuck you, Frank."
"You know that's your brother's job."
"Ewwwwwww Frankkkkk no!"

Frank grabbed your hand and dragged you out of your room, and it was like you finally felt safe to relax. Gee was in the capable yet firm hands of Ray and Mikey, and Frank was taking you to do "something fun", whatever that meant. He'd dragged you through most of his apartment by now and out the door, not breaking his stupid massive grin for a single second. What an asshole, you thought, smiling to yourself. And you didn't even know where you were going.

You honestly doubted that Frank did, either, but he seemed to have some kind of an idea. But then again, he rarely knew what he was doing, so it wasn't much of a surprise if he could fake it from time to time. Protesting seemed completely pointless, plus, you knew he was just doing it for your own good. But what he was doing... was not entirely clear.

Eventually, Frank had successfully managed to bundle the both of you into his car, grinning like a maniac, but not starting up the engine just yet. "Uh, Frank, why aren't we moving?" You asked timidly. He just smiled more, reaching over and pulling an unmarked CD from the glove box. He held it up to the light and shook it slightly.

"You like MCR?"

A/N: Yes, you're right. Something good happening is clearly incredibly inappropriate for the current situation but you know what I want to write something fun because I am tired and fun is fun yay

Also I apologise in advance becuase uh this is gonna be hella repetitive, there's only so many synonyms for 'smile' or 'grin' and if any of you think I'm gonna use the term 'face of ultimate joy' you got another think coming

But I think you're gonna really enjoy the next chapter because fuck man this got really dark and there's definitely a need for the mood to be lightened

Hope you all enjoyed and I'm really sorry that it was so short I am constantly very very tired but yith

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