The First Letter

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Dear Robert,
I love your skin, the way it shimmers in the sun.
I love your hair and the way I could run my fingers through it all day.
I love your teeth and oh how I imagine them sinking into my skin.
I love your smile.
I love your jawline, sharper than the sharpest blade.
But more than anything, I love your personality.
I love everything about you and well, you don't even know who I am.
But you could never love me the way I love you.
For I have loved you for a thousand years, and I will love you for a thousand more.
xoxo ~your secret admirer

Robs Diary:
I got the mail today. Just more bills and letters as always. But then as I was sorting through it...I found something...else. It was a letter with a red heart sticker sealing it closed. I was used to love letters, being as famous as I am, but this one was...different. I know I shouldn't care but something about their words and the perfume sprayed on the letter has me stuck thinking about it. I keep reading the words in my head. I've never felt so appreciated by someone...and I wanted to hear MORE. Oh well...I guess I should stop dwelling on it. Until tomorrow, Robert.

I closed the book and sighed. I just want to be loved, I thought to myself. But I knew this was not possible. I was too hard to love. No one would be able to understand me. I am too complex, to mature, and just too deep.

I didn't have anything to do so I decided to take a walk around the area. My walk was the same as always. The same surroundings, nothing new. Until, I saw it. Where it came from, I had no clue. I slowly lifted my head up as my eyes climbed up the billboard and rested on him. He...was amazing. One of the most beautiful men I have ever seen. I know some may not fancy him but I can't help but admit my attraction. His completion is a warm tan, almost an orange color. His smile is big and beautiful. His hair looks so soft it made me want to stroke it.

But best of all is his personality. He is bold and aggressive but something about him makes me feel like he has a softer side that he just doesn't show. He may not be the smartest but he is different, just like me. I then realized that I had been staring for much too long and people were starting to give me looks. I quickly snapped myself out of the trance I had been in and continued on my walk.

Dear Robert xoxo ~DonaldWhere stories live. Discover now