Ouran #3 pt.2

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This is the continuation from the other one.. so it will be left off exactly where it ended.

"I wonder what does those lightbulbs indicate." Tokoyami said.

"Yami-senpai, you didn't have to go that far." Monoma said. "Come on, little one, let Daddy give you a big hug!" It zoomed into Momo looking jealously. In the background you can hear Izuku responding, "I've already got a dad. I don't need another one."

"Someone's jealous~" Mina claimed while looking at Momo raising her eyebrows. Momo rolled her eyes.

"I wonder what this jealously would lead up to." Hawks said, actually kind of curious.

"But guys did you hear what that Monoma said, he called himself Daddy!" Mineta exclaimed. Everyone shrugged their shoulders they honestly don't care what he has to say.

You can hear water splashes. It showed a window, with Midoriya in it saying, "Hey, what happened to my bag?"He looked out the window and walked closer to the glass, "Eh? Are you kidding me?but how did that happen." It showed a clear view of the outside, with his bag and belongings in the pond. "I didn't think there were bullies at this school. Hm. Guess they're everywhere." He said exasperated. He ran down the halls.

"Do you think he was bullied in this universe?" Kaminari asked

"Maybe. Maybe not. It honestly depends he could've meant that in many ways." Iida said. Others nodded to show they understand.

While running he passed by Momo. She said, "oh, it's you again. I bet you love having Monoma making you over and fawning over you. It's useless though. You're always gonna be a second-class citizen." Momo said in a menacing tone. She departed away.

"Yaomomo I never knew you could ever be that way." Hagakure said surprised. "You were like a mean, it girl you see in movies." Uraraka continued. Yaoyorozu wasn't surprised though, as she suspected something like this would happen.

"I have a feeling that girl was the one who threw my bag in the pond. I can't be bothered with her right now though. I've gotta find my wallet, or I won't have any money for food this week." Midoriya thought while he's in the pond gathering her items. Monoma came out of nowhere again, "Hey, commoner! You've got some nerve skipping out on the club like that!" He took a second to realize the situation, "Why is your bag all wet?" Izuku payed no mind, he's already embarrassed and doesn't want to cause trouble, "it's no big deal. I got it."he said still searching for his wallet. He continued whispering, "I just cant find my food money." Monoma seemed to get the hint, he rolled up his pants and joined him in the pond to search for his wallet. "Hey, you don't have to do that, you'll get all wet." Midoriya replied to his actions. He replied, "A little water never hurt anyone. Besides. People are always telling me that I'm dripping with good looks."

"Wow, how corny." Toga said. Many agreed.

"At least he is helping him. That's a good start, to a magnificent friendship!" Koda said ever-so-friendly.

Midoriya looked at him admiringly. Monoma startled him for a little but when he suddenly spoke up, "Oh! Hang on a second! This what you're looking for?" Monoma said winking with the soggy wallet in his hand. Monoma started to walk close to Mido. "What's the matter? You're staring off into space." Mo waved the wallet in his face, "You're not falling for me, are you?"

"Ooo~ is that love I smell" Mina and Hagakure said squealing. Todoroki looked a little jealous, you can feel the sensation. Yet, he still had his blank face.

He said with a grin. Izuku got out of her trance and swapped his wallet away, "No way!" Monoma stepped back, "How did your bag end up in the pond, anyway?" Midoriya looked down, "well, uh, I guess I accidentally dropped it out the window at some point."

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