Keeping up with the Todoroki's #5

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Multiverse found....Keeping up With the Todoroki's

"Oo~, this one will have juicy secrets."

Shoto looked scared of what his classmates might uncover. To be frank, he doesn't want people to give him their pity.

Dabi was terrified. But in all honesty, he wanted to see his old mans reaction, he wants him to suffer. This may not be the way he intended it to be, but
It was his plan.

Rei was barricaded with many emotions in mind. She was happy, that 'that son-of-a*err' was going to get exposed. On the other hand, she doesn't want that to happen to her 'beloved' *cough

Fuyumi and Natsuo knows there is gonna be drama. Fuyumi held her head high, prepared. Meanwhile, Natsuo went to the snack bar to get popcorn.

The class looked between all Todoroki's(except Touya) they were wanting some answers, on what they might see. Bakugo Tsked, knowing what is about to be revealed.

Violet looked worried, yet thrilled? This caused some confusion upon some.

It started.

You can see Class 1A's classroom. People were chatting. It zoomed in to Shoto and Izuku faces. Izuku was smiling, while Todoroki had a bland face. Yet, his eyes were telling something different. "All Might is the best superhero ever. How dare that lazy guy said, "All Might Sucks!" Midoriya said in a mocking voice. Shoto chuckled. "If it wasn't for that mission activity, I would've sent him to outer space." Midoriya stated determined. "Yeah, well that's umm...Uraraka? job."

"Why does that Todoroki make it seem like he doesn't know my name?" Uraraka said baffled. "It's probably because I thought I pronounced it wrong."

Bakugo snickered, "Yea sure, you usually only say, "Midoriya and the others." Bakugo stated to laugh. Shoto glared at him, "like you don't know their names, you call them nicknames and extras!" They kept arguing back, until Iida yelled.

"So, Midoriya, my family isn't home and I was wondering if you wanted to come over." Todo said kind of embarrassed, yet he tried to cover it up with the monotone. While he said that, he was facing out the window, hand on his neck, and another trying to execute the flames. "I would love too, Sho-chan. Also how many times do I have to tell you! I'm okay with you calling me Izuku!" He said with an innocent-blinding smile. Shoto smiled, "Alright Izuku, in the evening at 5." Todoroki walked away.

"Sooo what you planing to do to him, lover boy~" Mina and Mineta said. They obviously thought of different things. Shoto shrugged, he didn't know, but he can't lie when he is a bit curious.

"In this universe, you guys are awfully close. Since Midoriya called you 'sho-chan' similar to his long time best friend 'ka-Chan'" Iida said observing the scene they paused on.

Katsuki grumbled. He honestly liked and got used to name, but sharing the spotlight isn't something he can do.

It was 5 at noon, and you can see Midoriya putting on his red shoes. He said his good-byes to his mother, and started to walk. Luckily for him, Todoroki only lived 7 blocks away. He couldn't help but wander why he wanted to meet him, alone, at his house. He flushed scarlet.

"Izuku, is he having *ahem the dirty thoughts." Hagakure said not really expecting that.

Shoto almost lit his seat on fire.

He reached, and you can see a big house, Japanese modern. He rang the doorbell. Less than a minute, Shoto opened the door in casual, yet fancy clothes. Midoriya realized what he was dressed in which is; an all might t-shirt and jeans. He feels embarrassed he didn't dress as much. "Mid-Izuku, I know what your thinking, no, you didn't underdress." He sighed in relief. Todoroki let him in. Izuku walked in cautiously, looking at his surroundings, before taking off his shoes and putting on the slippers. Shoto nervously led him to the dining room, where he had katsudon, soba, and many treats laid out there. "Well since we always get sidetracked for dates, why not one here, where we have a day off. With no botheration." He said proudly. Izuku looked at him in awe and ran to hug him, smiling and yelling thank you's and your the best's.

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