Chapter 29: Entry Log 91 - 00:45:26

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The feed has been going for a while now, nearly twenty minutes of a Vanguard meeting that Cayde's said his few words about and then spent a portion of it not paying attention as Ikora goes off on a tangent about the Vex. He blinks a few times as she stops, closing the book in her hand with a harsh snap, making the Exo finch slightly. Zavala rubs his eyes with a forefinger and thumb, looking back over the data they've collected about Mars thanks to Haar-2's mapping work over the last few months.

"I'm beginning to truly understand why Osiris was so pinpointed on their movements, the Vex are up to something, that much is certain, but as to what we can't truly be sure." He looks to his teammates. "How are things going so far on Phobos?"

"We don't have a lot of intel on the moon yet," Cayde admits. "The fortress is heavily armed and with all the new construction appearing to take place it's hard for even a hunter to get in easily."

"Agreed," Ikora states with a sharp nod, placing her hands on the table, a finger dragging over the edge of it. "I'm having Winter look into it at the moment, as I'm sure you know," she informed the commander, who gave a small nod of his head. "Hopefully she'll have something viable soon." As one of the oldest members of Ikora's Hidden, the warlock was sure to find something.

"I suppose that ends our meeting for today then," Zavala concludes after a glance from one to the other. "Good work."

"Go team!" Cayde cheers half heartedly in reply and Iroka rolls her eyes, but continues to give him a look of mild interest. After a few moments the Exo can't seem to help himself. "What?"

"You've been rather quiet lately," the warlock points out, rifling through a stack of books. "Something bother you?" she's concerned, that's clear in her questioning tone, but the Exo seems unhappy about answering, shifting his gaze away towards the camera.

"Just have a lot on my mind I guess." He leaves it at that and while his two teammate exchange a look, neither of them push him on it. It's only a few minutes later on the time clock that the footsteps of someone walking down the stairs is heard. Panning to look to the entrance, Skylar appears moments later with her attention on securing a buckle on what appears to be a new chest piece. It's sharply colored in her normal dark blue and orange ensemble and glows with nearly a dozen welded on red eyes that appear alive at a glance. Her hands drop to her sides as she reaches the end of the stairs and walks up to the table, camera panning wide to look at the scene.

Cayde seems hesitant at first but quickly shakes off whatever is bothering him, moving forward to take a data screen file from her as she hold it out. "You can strike one more Fallen trying to gain ranks into Kell off your list," Skylar informs him, a smirk gracing her lips. "Thing never knew what hit it, left his followers scrambling for the ships."

Cayde nodded his head, clicking through the screen to look over her notes. "You always snag the high risk Fallen bounties don't you?" he mused curiously, glancing at her. Skylar meets his eyes with a look of quiet resolve that's somehow laced with longing and the Exo looks quickly back at the data.

"I've never liked The Fallen," she agreed. "There's a weird sense of satisfaction I get from taking them down. Can't tell you why though. Just a feeling." She shrugged her shoulders and her Ghost, Sterling, hummed as if in agreement as he floated over one shoulder.

"Right..." Cayde murmurs, and clicks a few more things on the pad before setting it down. "Glimmer should be in your account." It's short, to the point, and all three people around him catch that something is off. The lack of teasing and boasting is a dead giveaway and Skylar eyes him quietly, pressing her lips together into a thin line. She waits another long minute, as if waiting for him to say something more, than brushes her hand through what seems to be freshly trimmed hair, probably done with her own knife.

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