Chapter 43: Entry Log 136 - 00:24:14

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Early morning is breaking through the wide windows of Cayde's kitchen when the feed clicks on. The Exo is at the table normally used for poker, and the remnants of the game from the night before are still there in the form of discarded poker chips and cards. Clean up hadn't quite happened, but at least dishes were on the counter to be washed. Cayde is oddly enough shirtless, the gleam of his silver and blue man made torso brighter than normal due to the sunlight. A cup of something steaming sits next to him in a chipped mug as he writes calmly in a worn as hell notebook. Sundance zooms in a bit, catching a few words at the top of the page.

Dear Ace...

The screen pans as another figure enters the room in an even gate, footsteps nearly soundless. Skylar runs a hand through her bedhead in a lazy motion, her legs and feet all bare except for a pair of shorts. Cayde's missing sweatshirt is half zipped over her, the thing nearly covers her shorts despite her being only a few inches shorter than him. She pads over to the table and easily drops her arms over Cayde's shoulders from behind. Pressing her nose into the softer material right behind his jaw and takes in a slow breath. The Exo doesn't so much as flinch - he probably heard her coming - but his pen does stop moving, bright eyes shifting to the side.

"Mornin'," she murmurs closing her eyes, apparently still half asleep. Cayde chuckles, his free hand coming up to run across one of her forearms.

Hunters aren't morning people.

"You're starting to sound like your Ghost," he teases squeezing her arm for a moment before patting it. "Water should still be hot if you want some tea," he offers and she sighs, nuzzling the side of his neck before slowly pulling away. She makes an incoherent mumble of words but makes her way to the counter where a mug and a hot pot are waiting for her. She goes through the motions of taking the tea out of a cabinet and brewing it in an auto pilot manner. Meanwhile Cayde goes back to writing and ten minutes pass on the clock with little else but morning routine.

Skylar comes back into view of the camera shortly afterwards, her own steaming cup in hand as well as a semi ripe banana. She plops down ungracefully into the chair to Cayde's right, somehow not spilling anything despite the jarring movement and then slouches over the table, hand wrapped around the cup. Her eyes are half lidded, dazed as she stares into the dark green liquid unblinking. Cayde closes his journal after peering at her and finishing a line. He scoots it and the pen off to his left, shifting his attention to her as he runs his closer hand over her arm again. She blinks, looking to him and smiles slightly.

"You still look tired," he points out, concerned and Skylar let's out a small, dry laugh at that.

"I'm always tired," she reminds him warily, and that's true to an extent though at least the dark rings under her eyes are all but gone today. The Exo just frowns at her and she shakes her head. "Don't they call hunters 'the dream eater' class for a reason?"


"I'm fine," she insists, taking a sip of her tea. She hums, eyeing the cup, a small smile gracing her face. "Devrim was right, this is an excellent blend." She's diverting the subject and Cayde seems torn between letting it go and forcing it back on track. He's obviously worried about her but after a moment he smirks slightly, his choice made because who really wants to deal with drama early in the morning?

"It all tastes like grass to me," he teases and Skylar snorts. "Maybe it's a sniper thing."

"Or maybe you just have no taste in refined things," she shoots right back, her eyes trailing over him carefully which he doesn't seem to mind. He isn't the most refined looking by any means with the scratches, welding marks, and small dents in his metal work. She looks away after a bit and picking up her breakfast, unpeeling the banana. "You know I'm not sure we've both ever had the same day off. How weird, what should we do?"

"Hmm," Cayde exaggerates the sound his eyes flickering over his hoodie and how the zipper is down just enough for some tempting cleavage. "We could... just go back to bed." he gets the response he wants as Skylar flushes red and gives a flustered look before quickly taking a bite of her food to distract herself. He rolls his shoulders drawing his hand from her finally and leans back in his chair. "Shooting range?" he offers up and after a moment of consideration she nods her head.

"I'm sure there's some time for both... and maybe dinner later," she compromises and the Exo chuckles, a reply easily seen on his features before a beeping sound dominates the mic, indicating an incoming call. Both hunters pause, look at Sundance and then each other and sigh. "There goes that plan," Skylar murmurs as Cayde gives her an apologetic look before waving at the Ghost to answer it.

"Cayde," Zavala's voice comes in over the mic loud and clear. The Exo rolls his eyes and Skylar smirks at his antics.

"Yeah, I'm here. What's up?"

"I thought you should know that the Oryx team just landed," he states and Skylar freezes half way through chewing another bite of food, her eyes now locked on the feed. Cayde glances at her briefly before leaning forward on his chair.

"Yeah? What's the damage?"

"The mission was a success and everyone is accounted for. There are some injuries but nothing life threatening. Debrief is set for tomorrow after they get some rest."

"Ah, sounds good. Glad to hear we'll hear the dirty details soon enough. Thanks for letting me know." As the vanguard members speak Skylar quickly finishes off her fruit and stands to throw away the peel, a sense of haste in her movements.

"Of course," he says it so plainly Cayde nearly seems to roll his eyes again but stops himself. "I'll see you tomorrow."


The connection cuts with a click and the feed flickers twice as Sundance blinks. Skylar lays a hand on Cayde's shoulder as she passes him, looking ready to bolt but the Exo catches her hand and stops her to which she huffs and gives him a look. She wants to see them, her friends, her family and Cayde gets that but... well the smirk on his face seems impossible to fight back.

"As much as I love how you look in nothing but my hoodie Skyla, I don't think the rest of the tower will appreciate it as much," he muses, humor in his vocals. The amber haired woman blinks before glancing down and looks instantly embarrassed before running a hand over her hair.

"I know that," she defends pulling away from him. "I was going to change."

"Right." The exaggeration of the words has her blushing, eyes narrowing.

"Don't be an ass," she grumbles to which he tilts his head smirking.

"I thought you liked my ass though?"

It's safe to say that the log ends with Skylar making an exasperating sound, her hands up in the air as she stomps away, Cayde's laugher covering her retreat.

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