the flash back

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There was something about this boy. Something familiar. A memory of those same blue eyes flashes before my eyes but leaves before my mind can grasp it. He struggles and then goes limp as a guard sinks a needle into his neck. Those blue eyes on mine make me shiver. Why was he so familiar? I was always by myself when I was little it was always just ma and I. I had never been near another human until the day that the man took me away. It had to be imaginary, but then why did it seem so real? Your mind is playing tricks on you I think. It's not uncommon with people like me who have been here for more than 3 years, people start to go nutty. Maybe it was finally my time.

Lunch was disgusting like always. A gruel like substance with fatty meat in broth with soggy vegetables. They say its good for you but it makes my stomach ache every time. My skin tingles and I can feel the boy's eyes digging under my skin beckoning me to look up into them- but I won't give him that satisfaction. He sits across the room in chains holding him down so he doesn't do anything foolish. He doesn't seem like a smart boy but then again he may not be the person they think he is.

Lugh sits across from me annihilating his food. 

'Stupid isn't he' He declares with a full mouth. I have known Lugh ever since I came here when I was nine, we understand each other since we have both been through the same hardships of the 4 tests that the kings men put us through to make sure we where the right sacrifices. We were the only two who survived therefore making us the right candidates from the first two landscapes. They never found the third. For years they have been searching and the king has been growing weaker because he can only live if all three landscapes are sacrificed at once.

'Yeah I guess' I reply dryly. Lugh gives me an inquisitive look as if to say 'what's wrong?'. I shake my head and look away- Lugh has already got enough on his mind.

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