the sacrifice

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I was only 9 when it happened. I try to tell myself it wasn't my fault but part of me says it was. It was just mum and I. Everything was perfect. Life was..... good. We were out in the garden one summer making daisy chains. Everything seemed normal. Ma and I lived all by ourselves in the middle of nowhere and she always said she liked it that way. We weren't expecting anyone like usual. All of a sudden ma starts pushing me inside. 

"Ma what yer doin?" I says but she keeps pushing me into a near by cupboard. All she says is

"Stay here it's dangerous out  there" and quickly closes the door. Thats funny, i think. I wonder why she did that. I hear the door slam open and the hair on my spine pricks up. 

"Where is she?" a man booms.

"Sorry sir i am not quite sure who you..."

"Don't start playing games with me woman!" he screeches.

At this moment i am scared out of my wits and suddenly i sneeze. The man stops and turns my direction i can see him smile through the crack in the cupboard.

"So you are hiding someone after all! What a coincident! " He says sarcastically.

"Well if your definatley not hiding anyone then you won't mind if i open this cupboard!"

He slowly opens the cupboard and grabs me by the arm. 

"MA! MA!" i scream.

"Please!" she yells.

"Take me instead!"

The next thing i know there is a big BANG! Ma crumples onto the ground. It's to late.

"MA!" I scream.

"Come back!" i sob. I scream and kick as hard as i can.

"Damn you child!" the man says. Then i see his fist come to my face and i sink into darkness. 

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