Rewrite the stars (Kaimaki)

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So yeah they've been dating for 8ish months and they live in an apartment together 🥺 no ultimates, etc.
Kaito POV

It was 3'oclock in the afternoon. I was waiting for Maki-Roll, after she took a long day at work.. and I have to wait alone until 5. I sat up on the couch, Looking out the window of the apartment, waiting until Maki's car pulls onto the side of the road.. god I miss her, even though I saw her this morning.. I quickly grab the TV remote,
flick a few buttons on it, and the news came on. Eh, what the hell. I never watch the news, but I guess I can now.

I watch the news for about 2 minutes before I get bored, and flick the TV off again.. all they ever talk about is sports... damn. I groan and lay down on the couch, bored. There's nothing to do without Maki-Roll. I look around the clean apartment. Damn! I can't even clean! I thought to myself for a moment, before I hear a knock at the door. Who could that be? Maki never knocks before coming in..

I walk over, and open the door to see nobody. Nobody at all. I look down at the ground, and I see- ah. The mail. Shoulda known. I quickly grab the few letters and other papers, and only 2 of them are for me. I put the rest on the counter for Maki, and I throw away one I got, since it was junk. The other one though, oh! It's from Rantaro! Man, I haven't seen him in ages! I open up the letter quickly, and see he's in the middle of London! I quickly read the note, that says basically that he's in London and misses everyone here. Man, Rantaro has the right idea.

I throw away the letter Rantaro sent, and I go back to sit on the couch. I open my phone, and I am occupied for a while.. I lost track of time. Before I knew it, the door was opening to the apartment.

     "Maki-Roll! Your finally back!" I say louder than I should have. Maki glanced at me, smirked, and uttered a small "Hey babe". She put all of the stuff she brought with her earlier, and about 5 minutes later, she perched herself next to me on the couch. I chuckle slightly, and stare at her from the corner of my eye. She was looking at something on her phone, and she leaned against me slightly.

QUICK AUTHOR NOTE: THIS IS SO DIFFICULT TO WRITE AS KAITO! He's so positive and I'm like.. the opposite. SO IM SORRY IF THIS SUCKS! Anyways back to the story 😌

I look over her shoulder to see what she's looking at, and she's scrolling through Instagram. Typical Maki. I roll my eyes, smirk, and grabbed Maki quickly, putting her in my lap. "K-Kaito!" Maki pronounced, as a slight pink formed over her cheeks. I chuckled, as she put her hands over her already blushing face. Luckily, her hands weren't on the side of her cheek, so I kissed it. She slowly put down her hands, still blushing, and she kissed me, this time. I kissed her back, and after a while, she pulled away, and put her head on my shoulder.

We sat like that for a while in silence, until Maki-Roll spoke up. "Hey Kaito?"


"Do you want to go stargazing?"

I gasped.

"This is a first. Your the one asking to go stargazing? I'm shocked."

"S-shut up! D-do you want to go or not?"

"Well, duh! Let's go!" I hold her the same way she was sitting when I stood up, and dropped her feet down.

She quickly grabbed her jacket as I grabbed the galaxy blanket we always brought along on stargazing trips, and I checked the clock. 6:00. It should be dark enough, since it's November... I shrug, grab my jacket, and we go.

Since we're on the second floor of the apartment, we took the stairs down, and I held the door open for Maki-Roll. She gave me a quick peck as she walked out the door, and the sudden breeze came rushing around them as they walked out.

"I-it's colder than I thought it would be." Maki muttered, as she grabbed my hand and put her other arm around her arm. I shake my head, and wrap the blanket around her I was holding. "It is against the law for any Maki-Roll to be cold." I say, as Maki rolled her eyes (see what I did there) and smiled, looking at me. I smirk back, as she quickly held my cheek down closer to her, as she kissed my cheek softly. We walked out to the flat area by an old tree we always stargaze at, and I sat down on the grass instead of the blanket, silently choosing not to take the blanket away from Maki. Besides, she looked adorable in it! I felt my face get hot, and Maki noticed almost instantly. She looked like she was debating something by the look on her face, but I looked up to the sky. It was truly magical, as always.. but it was different this time. I don't know why, it just.. was.

I looked over at Maki again, and she was staring at me? I gave her a quick smirk, and I look back up at the night sky. We watch in silence for a moment, before Maki attacked me! She almost gave me a heart attack with a sneak attack hug, while I was watching the stars.

"Maki-Roll-! You-" I say, as I lower her down quickly, giving her hugs and kisses as she's laughing. I keep kissing her repeatedly, and she kept kissing me as well. After a few minutes, we went back to looking at the stars.

"Isn't it beautiful, Maki Roll?" I ask

"Y-yeah. It really it." She responds with, as I look at her, as she looks at the stars in awe. I smile, knowing that she loves the stars just as much as I do.

"Hey babe?" Maki asks

"Yeah Maki-Roll?"

"What's that Called again?" As she pointed at the Big Dipper.

"Well, it's the Big Dipper."

"Oh. Thanks."

After a while of staring up, I looked over at Maki, who fell asleep. I slowly pick her up bridal style, and carry her back to the apartment, but I took the elevator instead, so I don't break my neck in the process. After I get into the apartment with Maki, I slowly put her in our bed, and I go change to a black T shirt and black shorts. After I get out, I slowly go into bed, and I cuddle Maki until I fall asleep.

HOLY CRAP THAT WAS SO WHOLESOME! I kinda rushed it at the end, but yeah! I hope you liked it, and next will most likely be something with SHUICHI! Have a good day/night!

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