No lies (Saiouma)

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I saw this off of a different one-shot story, (Not sure who wrote it, I'm sorry ;-;) but I love this idea, so I'm going to make my own version! In school, No killing game

Kokichi POV

"C'mon Kokichi. Just drink it". 

"Nuh-uh! No way am I drinking that", I respond with.

"Do it or I can and will shove it down your throat".

"Geez.. fine. But if I start doing weird shit, I'll make all of DICE kill you! Nishishishishi"

I was handed a bottle of some weird liquid grossness from none other than Avocado man himself. I knew I shouldn't drink it, and I knew that it was bad.

I drank it.

I felt dizzy.. oh Atua. I heard Rantaro mumble something with "lie" in it.. before everything went black.

Time skip brought to you by the Luminary of the Stars*

Damn.. where am I? I'm certainly not next to the bathrooms like I was before.. so where am I? It's comfortable, not going to lie, but I'm too discombobulated to see where I am still.

"Where am I..?" I ask aloud.

"My room", a familiar voice says. I can't figure out who it is, though.

"Nishishishishi. I don't know who you are". Wait.. what? I swore I said I know who you are.. weird.

"Really? That's depressing... almost as depressing as me", They talk again.

Wait.. I know who this is!

"Hey Shumai!" I say. I have no idea where he is. I see a bed, but that's it.

"Why do you call me that, Kokichi?" Shuichi asked

"Oh, so we're on a first name basis now?" I say smugly.

"Ah- Kokichi! You sound like Shirogane". He says back.

"Oh, so you call her Shirogane, but me Kokichi? Interesting, Nishishishishi. Where are you, anyways?" I didn't- I never said where are you. I swear. Why am I all of a sudden- Amami.

"Oh, uh.. heh. Look behind you. I thought you noticed." Shuichi murmured.

I was sitting. In his lap. This whole time.  W U T?! he do feel like a stuffed bear though...

"Your comfy". I blurted out. WHY ME WHYYYYYYY. 

"Wh- What!?" Shuichi yelled, covering his blushing face with his hands, I think.

I pushed myself off of him, turned around, and plopped right back down on his lap, this time facing him. I was right, though. He was covering his face.



" Something is wrong with you.. I can tell."

"Aww does the cute detective boy know when I'm not normal?"

Shuichi blushed, and responded back with, "Everyone knows when you're not normal.. and I'm not cute."

"Yeah you are."

"No, I'm not. Now drop it".

"Yeah you are!"

"I hate you."

I tense up. I feel like I should be lying. In fact, I know I should be lying.. but I can't. I can't lie.

"You.. you what?" I feel real tears start to form.

"I was- Kokichi..? Are you.. okay?"

"No". I said yes. I swear. GOD DAMN IT RANTARO.

"Hey Kokichi, lie to me. Right now."

I'm confused, but I do. I'm going to say I hate him. I wasn't given a liar potion from Avocado. It was just.. nothing! Right..?

"I love you, Shumai!"

Damn it! Why can't I lie?! 

"Wha-" Shuichi stared at me, blush covering his face, looking dumbfounded. He quickly shook his head, and continued talking. "A-anyways... I think you can't lie. Did you eat or drink anything weird recently?" He said, as he grabbed his notebook he always uses, and began writing.

"Yes, a matter of fact, I did. Amami gave me a drink and I drank it."

Shuichi looked at me with a 'your an idiot' look.

"Continuing on... Do you know exactly what he put in the drink?"

"Not the ingredients or whatever, but obviously it was a lie potion."

"Mhm. Okay."

He then shut his notebook, and moved me over to his side, instead of me sitting on his lap.

"How long until this wears offffffff. I wanna lie againnnnn!" I complain.

"No idea, but I'm going to read." Shuichi said, as he grabbed the book on the nightstand beside him. 

Damn it. I have nothing to do. I'm going to die of boredom if I don't have anything to do...

so I lean my head on his shoulder, and read along with him. I saw Shuichi glance over in my direction, but he quickly went back to reading. 

"Hey Shumai?"

"Yeah, Kokichi?"

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

BOOM! FINISHED ONE THAT ISN'T KAIMAKI FOR ONCE! WHOO! btw I am so sorry if this sucks, but this is the best I've got. Also, I am taking ship requests now! If I don't get any, 1 that will suck, and 2, Kaimaki will eventually turn into this book. So yeah, requests are now open! Comment if you have one! Also, I need story ideas, so I'll take those too.

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