Kaito x Kokichi Request

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request from sangowo737

I'm really scared to write this, since it's way out of my comfort zone, but I'll try!

(Kaito POV)

"God damn it Kokichi! What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"I have to ask the same for you, mister luminary of the stars!"

"Answer me first! If you don't, I swear-."

Kokichi cut me off.

"ohohoho slow down there Kaithobo. Nobody gives a shit. Now answer me."

I tried to respond, but Shuichi cut me off.

"Guys! You have to stop fighting..! It's getting way too out of hand."

"Psh. Easy for you to say. Nobody ever argues with you." Kokichi says.

"I- that's not the point. This has been going on for months now. It needs to be stopped one way or another."

Shuichi then stood behind us.

What the hell is he going to do..?

"Like that'd ever happen. There's no way I can even try to become friends with this idiot." I snap back.

"Hahah your a hypocrite!" Kokichi gives one of his evil smiles.

"What- what the hell does that mean?!" I yell back.

And before I knew it, our hands were cuffed together.

"What the hell, Shuichi!" Kokichi yells.

"If you two can't get along, then I'll make you. You two are going to stay in this room together for the next 24 hours and hopefully that's enough for you two to shut up." Shuichi says.

"I- Bro you can't do this to me!" I yell. Does he want me to hate him?

"Too bad. Kirumi will give you food and water, and possibly a blanket. Goodbye." Shuichi replied with, and walked out of the room.

God damn it, sidekick! Why'd ya have to do this to me..!

Kokichi then sighed louder than any human being I'd ever heard.

"I- how did somehow that tiny sigh that loudly!"

"I'm not tiny! And I'm already so sick of you, I can only sigh to keep me back from throwing up!"

That bitch.

"Believe me, I don't want to do this either..." I say, trying to sound a bit more tolerable to Kokichi.. He may be annoying as hell, but I guess I could try and get along with him for the time being.

"Well, at least I can agree with one thing you say."

We stood there in silence for a while, until we finally sat down.

"We've gotta do something while we wait for this stupid time to run out.." I say.

"Ooh! How about a game?" Kokichi smirked evilly.

"I guess. How about 2 truths and a lie?" I respond with.

"Neehehehe! A game about LYING? with KOKICHI OUMA? That's a mistake waiting to happen! How about truth or dare?"

I raise my arm that is connected to the liar.

"Oh." Is all he said after that.

I crushed him under the hydraulic press.

the end.


I thought to myself for a moment, before I say "20 questions?"

Kokichi's eyes widen, and he actually agreed.

"K. Kaithobo, you ask me questions first."

"Uh- okay then. 1, why do you call me that ridiculous name.."

"Because it's funny."

I close my eyes briefly. That douche bag.

"2... are you in love with someone?" 

I don't know why I thought that. I just.. did.

"I- skip." Kokichi's cheeks then flared a bright pink.

"No skips."

"Ughhhh fine. Yes."

My eyes widen from his response. Who the in the hell does he love?

"3, is the person you love stuck in the game?"


"That was quick"

"Continue on.. I want to get this over with."

"4.. boy or a girl."

"Why do you keep asking these questions!? And a guy."


"Don't even try with me."

"Okay then... 5, who is the person you love?"

Kokichi's eyes widened again from the question.

"I- I'll tell you later. I'm not skipping, I'm just waiting to answer it."

"Oh- okay then."

I thought to myself for a moment.

"6, Why do you always lie?"

He looked up at me with his lilac eyes.

"Don't judge me.. okay? I promise... not to lie."

Is he actually going to say the truth..?

"I was.. abused back home. I was always beaten.. attacked.. I was threatened to be killed more than I can count."

My eyes widen. He.. what?

"I had to learn how to lie. Lying kept me safe.. it protected me. Without lying, I would 100% be dead right now."

"Kokichi.. I'm so sorry.. but why do it around here..? You're safe here..."

Kokichi looked up at me again.

"Yeah, Momota. We're safe when our fellow classmates are dying by the day, in a killing game."


"But yeah. That's me."

"I.. Thank you, Kokichi. It means a lot to me that you actually opened up to me."

"Yeah... sure. Now I'm tired.. I'm going to sleep."

Kokichi then fell onto my shoulder, and his quiet snores filled the empty room.

I peered over my shoulder, looking at his sleeping face.

It was ... cute.


the next morning:

I slowly wake up, noticing Kokichi's gone.

.. he left.

I got to thinking about him, and my face instantly heated up. 

I.. I don't love him. No way! He's.. he's... he's Kokichi!

I stood up, and walked into the dining hall.

Standing across the room from me, was Kokichi, talking to Miu Iruma, and K1B0. He took a quick glance over at me, and gave the cutest smile ever, and waved.

Yep. I am in love with him.

OMG THIS TOOK SO LONG I AM SO SO SORRY! But anyways, I know I changed it up at the end, but I kinda liked this ending! This was also WAYYYY out of my comfort zone, but I think it's one of my favorite oneshots so far! Tysm <3

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