Chapter 5

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Camila's PoV.

I looked at y/n and jumped on her. "A carnival. I love carnivals they are so much fun." I said not letting go of y/n.

"You're so cute but come on let's go ride some rides." Y/n said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I don't think I will ever get used to this. Y/n took my hand and led us to the booth that sold tickets.

"Two bracelets please." Y/n said to the women.

"That be $55 dollars." The women told us. I was pulling my wallet out and y/n was pulling out hers.

"What do you think your doing?" Y/n asked me. "Paying for the tickets." I told her looking at her weirdly.

"I asked you on a date and I'm paying." She said taking the money out. I was about to give the lady mine when y/n kissed me. I got so lost in her lips I didn't realise the bracelet being put on me.

"That was mean." I told her pouting. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"What do you want to go on first?" Y/n asked me grabbing my hand.

"I don't know how about you chose." I said excitedly. "How about the roller coaster?" Y/n asked smirking.

"Are you sure?" I asked nervously looking at the large obstacle. "Are you afraid." She asked laughing. I shook my head and grabbed her hand and dragged her to the ride.

"Babe we don't have to go on if you don't want too." Y/n said seriously. "I want too." I said looking at her madly.

"Okay then sorry." Y/n said looking hurt. "I'm sorry this is just the first time I'm ever going on a roller coaster." I told her looking down.

"Aw cutie just hold my hand the hold time." She said kissing me on the forehead. "You are so cheesy." I told her laughing. "Only for you." She said moving up in line.

It was our turn to go on. I am so nervous and scared I want to throw up.

"You sure you want to do this?" Y/n asked me worriedly. I nodded and got on the ride.

Y/n got on after me and locked us in. The ride started moving and I grabbed y/n's hand. We kept going up and up. "Just close your eyes." Y/n said squeezing my hand.

We got to the top. "I change my mind I want to get off." I said looking at y/n sacredly. She laughed and we went down.

I feel like I'm gonna puke. All these loops are making it worst. I don't like roller coasters.

"Y/n I don't like these rides." I told her squeezing her hand tighter. "Babe it's over now. Open your eyes." Y/n said laughing and helping me get up.

"Let's go play some games." Y/n said still laughing. I slapped her shoulder and walked away.

"Babe I'm sorry come here." She said holding her arms out to me. I didn't move and she just ran up to me and hugged me. Gosh she smells so good. I inhaled her scent.

"Are you smelling me?" Y/n asked looking down at me. "What no." I said blushing looking away.

She just laughed and took my hand and brought us by the games. I was looking at the stuffed animals as I was walking pass all the booths until I saw a pink unicorn.

Y/n saw me look at it and went up to the booth. Its basketball. "Step right up and win this beautiful girl an animal." The guy said eyeing me. I looked at y/n and she looked pissed.

She payed the guy and took the balls and started shooting them in. "So sexy what's your name?" The strange guy asked.

"Camila." I said looking down and blushed. Y/n kept looking at us. She made all the baskets in.

"Give me the fucking unicorn." Y/n said gritting her teeth. "So baby how about we go and have some fun. You look like a fun fuck." The guy said handing y/n the unicorn looking at me.

"That's fucking it." Y/n said throwing the unicorn to me and started beating the guy up. "Don't fucking talk to her like that. She's mine." Y/n said.

"Y/n stop please." I said trying to get her off. She looked at me and stood up. She scares me so much when she fights. She got off the guy and walked away.

I kicked the guy and heard him groan. "I am taken." I said walking away giving him the finger.

I followed y/n to her car. She stopped walking and turned around to look at me. "Sorry for ruining your night." She said looking down.

"You didn't ruin my night I had fun. I was with you and that's all that matters." I said kissing her cheek. I saw a cut on her lip.

"Come on let's get you home." Y/n said opening the door for me. "I have to go to Ally's." I told her and she nodded.

We talked until we go there getting to know each other more. By the time we got to Ally's I was upset to leave y/n.

We got out and y/n walked me to the front door. "I'm taking you out somewhere tomorrow." Y/n said pulling me into her. "I have to think about it." I said putting my arms around her neck.

"Okay shorty." Y/n said licking her lips. "Shorty? Really? What happened to babe? It's not my fault your tall." I told her laughing.

"I like shorty it fits you. But I'll call you babe too. " She smirked at me. I hit her shoulder.

"What was that for?" Y/n asked pretending to be hurt and pouting. "Stop smirking. I like your smile more." I said causing her to laugh.

"Your so cute." Y/n said kissing me. The kiss started to get harder and I was grinding on y/n.

"We have to stop or I won't be able to handle myself. I will take you right here right now." Y/n said her eyes full of lust.

I wish you would. I thought to myself. I kissed y/n one more time until her phone rang.

"Hello?" Y/n said still looking at me. "Yeah I'll be there in five." Y/n said ending the call.

"Be ready by 8. Wear something sexy." Y/n said making me hit her again. She gave me one last kiss and started walking away.

"See you tomorrow shorty." She said getting in her car and driving away. I am going on another date with y/n tomorrow.

I can't help but smile. I still feel her lips on mine.



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