Seperated (iwaoi fluff)

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Dont forget to play music :)
-Prettykawas pov-
I stared at the ceiling lost in thought. 'I wonder if Iwa's coming home today..' I often find myself thinking the same thought everyday. Hoping he'd walk through the door smiling as he walks over to me and hugs me. Hajime has been on a business trip for almost a month now. He texts me when he isn't busy, which isn't a lot. Maybe once or twice every week. Sometimes I get lonely and start crying or getting grumpy but I know he wouldn't want that so I make myself stop and think that he'd be home soon. I got out of bed. The same routine, 'get out of bed,take a shower, eat, and then just float around not really having anything to do.' My phone pinged and I went to check it sluggishly. I turn my phone on and check who texted me. 'Hey baby' it was from Iwa.
Me: hey hajime, I miss you :(
Iwa: I know I miss you too. Hopefully they let us go earlier.
Me: when are you coming home?
Iwa: I don't know hopefully just a few weeks more
I sigh at my screen and bit my lip. I really did miss him a lot. Him not being here felt weird and off. It was really quiet.
Me: oh okay. Stay safe baby :((
Iwa: you too. And make sure you're eating properly and getting enough sleep.
Me: I knowww
Iwa: okay I have to go now. I love you so much toru
Me: I love you too Iwa💗
I turned off my phone as I layed in bed with the t.v on in the background. I got up and stared outside the big window next to our huge bed. We lived in an apartment in the city so it was always a pretty sight at night time. I heard the doorbell go off and I got confused. I didn't remember ordering anything online. Hopefully it wasn't matsu or any of the guys, I wasn't in the mood to have anyone over. I trudged over to the door in my slippers and sighed as I opened the door. My eyes widened as I saw the person In front of me. It was iwa. "IWA!" I jumped on him as he smiled . I was already crying since I hadn't seen him in so long. "You idiot why didn't you tell me you were coming!" I yelled through my tears,clung onto hajime. "I'm sorry baby. I wanted to surprise you" he hugged back tightly as he closed the door with his foot. "You dummy, leaving me here all alone." I said shifting my face into his neck. "I'm sorryyy. You did eat right, right?" He asked kind of sternly. "Dummy why are you asking that right now!" I sort of stopped crying and got off him. I planted kisses all over his face as he laughed. I hugged him again and he hugged back. "I couldn't take it being all alone." I said. "Aww I missed you too. I kept wishing they'd let me go sooner so I could come home and cuddle you." He kissed my forehead then my cheek then my lips. We made out for a few minutes and I couldn't stop smiling. "Ugh I love you so muchhhh iwa" I said pulling him to the bed. "I know prettykawa I love you too" he said taking his jacket off along with his shirt. He grabbed my waist and pulled me down to the bed and hugged me. I put my leg over him still smiling and hugged him tightly. "Kiss me if I'm wrong but this is a dream right? I said as I smirked cupping his face. Iwa just snorted and kissed me for a few seconds. "This is real toru" he laughed again and I did too. The lights were low and the city lights were shining though the window as we laid in bed. We both drifted to sleep as our favorite show about alien conspiracies was still playing.
Yea y'all getting a lot of updates tonight 😳 bye- idk i have a lot of inspo tonight 🥸

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