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A/N: I keep updating things, but the little flag that shows up when someone writes a new chapter isn't showing up, and people aren't reading it!

Also, I have a fucking scratch on my face because I do that in my sleep, and the little bitch is unavoidable. Fuck!


I finished pouring my bowl of cereal, looking out the kitchen window and towards Andy's house. The lights were on, but I saw no movement.

Andy went home after our shopping trip. His mom knew the importance of us being close, but she was also missing him. Who was I to keep him away from his family? If I know anything, it's that family is first. Maybe not in my case, but Andy's actually takes care of him.

I sat down at the dining room table, eating my breakfast in silence. My father was in his office, my mother and sister eating on the couch and watching TV.

I pushed the spoon past my lips, tasting the corn flakes and dried strawberries. I listened to music through my phone, enjoying the Black Sabbath that raced my ears. Ozzy, in my opinion, was better in his earlier days.

I watched as my sister walked to the kitchen, placing her plate in the sink. We lived in a nicer house, so it was a bit of a bigger distance to walk too. Cassidy didn't forget to throw a glair my way as she went back to the couch, strait golden blonde hair flipping over her shoulder in the process.

Even when I finished my breakfast, I continued to sit at the table in silence. The low hum of the TV was drowned out by my music. It wasn't that I liked being alone like this, it was that my thoughts wouldn't let me be with someone normally. Public settings scared the life out of me. No, I didn't hear voices, but I did hear my own. I constantly told myself I wasn't good enough. It was like my emotions and characteristics divided themselves and battled to the death. And here I was, watching myself fight against... well, myself.

"Blaire?" my father called. It was then that I realized that he had been standing there for quite some time. I pulled out one earphone, giving him my attention. "How high is the volume on that?"

It was low. About four.

I showed him, and he raised an eyebrow. "I guess I just spaced out," I defended.



Around 11 O'clock, my dad came up and into my room where I had been for hours, simply reading.

He took a seat on my bed, next to me in my criss-cross applesauce position.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked, putting down my novel.

"Look in the mirror." For he first time in a while, I actually payed attention to my features. My eyes were dull, now a dark steel gray. I had dark circles under those tired eyes. My lips were dry and whitened. I noticed I had lost some weight. My collar bones were jutting out, only covered by my porcelain skin. Even that had lost color.

Before I could continue to size myself up, my father interrupted. "You look sick. I went and met with a few of your teachers yesterday, and a majority of them said they were concerned about you. I've made an appointment for you to see a psychologist tomorrow."

I felt betrayed. He was sending me to a shrink? Had he seen the cuts? He couldn't have... I haven't changed the bandages; something I need to-

"Blaire," he stated sternly. "What is going on in that head of yours?" my dad asked, but mainly to himself.

I didn't say anything. What words could I possibly have? I just looked into his worn out eyes. He was tired, that's for sure. Not just the 'need some sleep' kind of tired, but the 'life is taking its toll' kind of tired.

"Be ready in a hour. We're going out for lunch."


Unfortunately, I did get ready. I managed to cover up the sickly look my face held very well with makeup. I pulled my black curls up in a pony tail, tying a black elastic around them. I slid on my fitted creme long sleeve, super skinny jeans with the knees cut out, and my doc martins. It wasn't too fancy, like I know how my mom and sister would be dressing. I didn't like drawing attention from them.

My dad knocked on my door, signaling that it was time for us to go. I stepped out, meeting the rest of my family downstairs. As predicted, my mom and sister were over dressed. Their dresses were short and tight around the bust. Even their heels seemed to be a bit too high. My father just wore a dressy shirt and pants, nothing too over the top.

"What the hell are you wearing?" my mother demanded. I didn't even bother to respond.

The car ride was tense. Every time Cassidy looked at me, she made the face of disgust. Even worse, my mom eyes me through the rear view mirror. My father was completely silent, not knowing what to do. He may be a smart man, but definitely not a wise one.

The restaurant wasn't at all fancy. Just a tiny Greek place, quaint and sweet. My mother and sister were definitely overdressed. The staff looked at them like they were crazy, which they are.

I stuck to a small meal as the rest of my family carried on their conversations.

"What are you going to wear to the dance?" my mother asked my sister. Ah yes, prom. The stupid spring dance were parents spend thousands of dollars on gaudy dresses and limos, just for their children to run off at night and fuck. Not that I was any better. Hell, I lost my virginity on Thursday.

I was hoping to get some money to go shopping. Daddy?" I hated when she said that. He isn't even her real-

"Sure. You and your sister can split it," he handed me a credit card, but I just passed it to Cassidy. They all looked at me funny.

"I'm not going."

"Come on, Blaire. It's your last school dance. You and Andy could go and have some fun," my dad urged.

"Do you really think that's the best idea," I stated flatly, poking at my salad.

"She's right, Brian. She doesn't belong at an event like that. She'll embarrass herself," my mom scolded. Ouch, that was harsh. I could see the anger on my father's face.

"Look," he said sternly, "I want you to experience every part of high school. You and I will go out, and I will help you find a dress. No one is going to try anything with Andy around. I can promise you that." I nodded, knowing that I didn't have any other options. My dad was actually forcing me to go to prom.

A/N: Did I give Blaire's father a name already? If so, comment, because I can't remember.

Song: War Pigs/ Luke's Wall, Black Sabbath.

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