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James POV

Welp it's finally Friday the day Kylie and I have been waiting for.

I woke up to a wide smile from Kylie and her ranting about our nails, hair and other pampering.

So that's what we spent the day doing.

We are currently at the hair salon. We have already had our nails done, our brows done and a full body wax. Not that I needed the last part but Kylie swears that we both are getting laid.

After the stylist is finished both of our hairs we head home to change since it's already 5:45 and it takes about 35 minutes to get there.

"Hurry Kylie we only have a couple hours and you and me both know that you take forever to get ready," I said and I locked the door.

"Geez ok I'll be quick. But you know the longest part is makeup. You do mines and I'll do yours after kk?" She asked.

I just nodded and headed to my room.

I gather up everything I needed and headed to the shower.

I cut the water on and made sure it was perfect before stripping my clothes off.

I stepped in the shower and washed my body for about 20 minutes then I cut the water off.

Before I got out the shower I wrapped a towel around my body and brushed my teeth and washed my face being careful not to mess up my hair.

Once that was done I headed to my room and I heard Kylie showering in her bathroom.

I shook my head she needs to hurry up. I went into my room and locked the door behind me and went to get dress. I put a few swipes of deodorant and I lotion my body up. I sprayed a few spritz of my favorite perfume.

Next I put on my favorite lace purple thong. Next I slipped my dress on. I chose a far more simple dress because I didn't want to go over board.

^His dress

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^His dress

Next I slipped on some navy blue heels, I put my necklace and my one diamond earring on.

All set!

I decided to go and see how Kylie was doing. I knocked on her door and she came and opened it up. Both our eyes widen and we complimented each other.

She was wearing a beautiful red dress that looked absolutely gorgeous on her. Unlike me she wanted to go all out.

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