
502 22 9

A/N- This is a continuation of last chapter. Enjoy😌

James POV

We got to the restaurant just in time.
We had 5 minutes to spare so we decided to wait until 9 on the dot.

We both took one last look in the mirror and applied more lipstick.
It was now 8:59 so Kylie smiled and got out and I followed.

I took a deep breath and she told me everything would be alright. I thanked her and we walked through the door. I felt a little self conscious as some people looked at us but we just kept walking.

"Good evening, my name is Claire. The gentleman are expecting you guys. Please right this way," she said. Kylie and I follow her at a distance. We stop right in front of a attractive man.

"Mr. Ryan here is going to sit and keep her company while you follow me," the woman Claire said to me.

I greeted Ryan and gave Kylie a big hug and told her to have fun. Claire smiled and ushered for me to follow her and that I did.

We walked to a more private part of the restaurant and there I saw him. I watched him as he grinned like an idiot and I returned the grin.

He stood up and came over to me with flowers.

"Hey baby boy" He said while looking me up and down.

"H-hi" I stuttered.

He smirked and dismissed Claire so that we were alone. He leaned down and kissed my cheek I slightly blushed and looked away.

"I uhh- thought you'd might like these flowers," He said scratching the back of his neck handing them to me.

I took them and did something surprising. I hugged him. He must had been just as surprised because it took him a second to hug back.

"Please have a seat love," he said as he pulled out my chair.

Once I was seated and comfortable he rushed to the other side of the table.

"Thank you for coming today I know it was weird that I texted you but I felt something that I never felt before when I saw you. I must say to that you look absolutely gorgeous," he said gently.

"No thank you this place is amazing. I did think it was a little strange at first and I admit I was a little scared but I think it was worth it and thank you you clean up nice to," I said truthfully.

He laughed at my comment and bit his lip.

Next thing I know a cute guy came in with a bottle of champagne. He looked at me a smirked.

I squirmed a little as he came closer.

"Good evening my name is Dominic, I'll be your waiter for tonight. Have you decided what you would like to eat tonight beautiful?" He said to me as he poured our champagne.

I blushed at the fact he called me beautiful and I looked up to see jay glaring hard at Dominic

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I blushed at the fact he called me beautiful and I looked up to see jay glaring hard at Dominic.

"U-um I think I'll just have the uhh chicken A-Alfredo please," I say nervously.

He wrote it down and smirked at me.

"Excellent choice gorgeous!" He said and then he stopped smiling and asked jay what he wanted.

"My usual and do me a favor and stop flirting with my date. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT NOW," He yelled.

My eyes widened and Dominic ran off.
Jay looked at me and his face softened.

"I'm sorry about that love believe me I am but he can not get away with disrespecting me and my date," He said calmly.

I gave him a weak smile.

"It's fine Jay he was making me feel little uncomfortable so I guess thank you?" I said but it came out as more of a question.

He grinned.

"You're welcome! Now I want to know more about you. For starters how old are you?" He asked curiously.

"I'm 21, How old are you? Oh and it Jay your full name I was just wondering?" I asked taking a small sip of

"I turned 25 a few months back and no my real name is Jason I should have told you but my mom calls me Jay. Now give me a general summary of you babe," He said.

Jason huh.. thats hot and it suits him. Man he must really wanna know things about me.

"That's a cute name. I have a best friend named Kylie and I live with her. She is the one that actually here now. I have been working at Starbucks for a couple of months. My favorite color is purple. I love to read and uhh I like fashion and make up as you can tell and I like girly clothes I hope you don't have a problem with that," I said with a frown.

He immediately replied.

"Hey, hey baby boy don't be sad.. I knew that you where a femboy and that's one of the things that attracted me to you. You look absolutely stunning don't let anyone ever tell you different," he said sweetly.

I blushed deeply and thanked him. Just as I was about to ask him about himself our waiter came back with our food.

He still had that dumb smirk that I just wanted to smack off his face. Can't he see that I'm only interested in Jason.

"Here's your food, I hope you enjoy!If not I could give your a little something extra later on," He's said winking.

I was completely shocked and embarrassed I couldn't say a things and that's when Jay slammed his hands on the table.

"Enough I want you out now! You're fired! How dare you flirt with MY BOYFRIEND in front of me. Leave!!" He said angrily.

Dominic set the rest of the food down and quickly ran out afraid of what would happen next. I sat there completely dumbfounded.

I looked over to Kylie and saw her looking she must have heard him yell because she mouthed are you okay. I have heard a nod and looked away.

Then I blushed thinking about how he called me his boyfriend. It has a nice ring to it. Maybe he just made a mistake.

" I can't believe that. I'm so sorry James I feel like I failed this date. I want you more than anything and you probably think I'm a monster," he said with his head down.

I reached over the table and put my hand over his. When he looked up at me I smiled.

" This is one of the best dates I have ever been on you actually cared enough to listen and protect me that's more than I can say for my past
dates," I said honestly.

"This is actually my first date ever I usually don't do this type of thing but you're different and I will always protect you. So... James will you be my boyfriend nothing to serious until you are ready?" He asked nervously.

My eyes widen.

Was I ready for this??

A/N I thought I'd leave you with a little cliff hanger. What do you think James will say?


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