3: Knowing each other ♥️

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I was in my room with my roommate Alina and we were talking about the subjects that I got.

" I got science, geography, horticulture, and the list goes on.... I said , waving my hairs.
Alina was looking so confused, I asked her about the thing that was bothering her.
" What is bothering you Alina?" I asked, I raised my eyebrows.

" Nothing. Actually im just shocked" , she said , swimming in her own thoughts

" About what?"
" You and Anirudh, you know he never talks'to anyone and always mind his own business but today he was totally different. He was talking with you, which is like a miracle that could not happened but it did happen."
She said, her eyes were watching mine's.
"Maybe cause I'm new, he doesn't know me and ofcourse after what I did to him, how can he be calm? " I said, flipping the pages of my book.
" No , something is different. Well, let's leave it for now. We've classes from tomorrow, as you're new let me tell you the time of our classes. We've classes from 6:00am to 6:00pm and lunchbreak in the meantime." She said

" Oh that's really not usual for me but I've to follow these rules or they'll kick me out from here or maybe some punishment" I said in a sad and confused tone.

" It's okay, you'll used to it soon" she said, waving a good night to me.

In the morning, I woke up and it was 05:30 and we both did all the morning formalities. Now, the watch showed us 06:00 , we rushed out the door. We walked through the campus and finally reached halmen hall where our classes held. Alina left for her history class and I moved in for my geography class, when I entered, my eyes caught Anirudh's eye's who was again staring at me like yesterday. My face went red but then the professor made an announcement.
" Everyone has been assigned a class partner with whom you'll work for the entire semester" he said

He began to read the names. Please, I thought, read my name with Anirudh's please.

"Barun with Suman"
"Bondita with Anirudh"

Surprised, my body went rigid. Anirudh walked across the room and took the empty seat beside me. After studying me for few minutes, he turned his face towards the professor and after watching his rude behaviour I did the same. We didn't talk the whole time while professor calling off the other names. When he started his lecture about climate and air pressure , I turned my face towards Anirudh.

"" why are you always staring me?" I muttered under my breath.

he saw my face for a while and said " you've a mole on your face"
"oh" i blushed that he noticed that mole.

" that and you remind me of someone I know or once knew but I can't able to remember who it is"

" I thought you didn't have friends" i said.

" No , i don't but I've only enemies" he said

i raised my eyebrow " enemies? it's surprising, a charm person like you has any enemies?" the words came out before I could stop them.

" so you think I'm charming? is that why you keep staring at me? "

" calming, not charming. And no, I'm just curious"

"Curious" Anirudh gave me a amused look and added " about what"?
" Why don't you talk to anyone?"
"that's what we're doing right now"
"To anyone else"
" Talking isn't the only way of communicating. I speak when I have to say something"
" Then you must be boring, I'm judging from what everyone says about you"

Anirudh laughed. " And what are they saying?"
" That you think you're a Hero or superior" I said

" And what if i am ?"

I narrowed my eyes " you're not. You just think that you're" I said confidently.

He smiled and came closer to me. " So now you can read my mind?"
In nervous tone, " no, I can just tell"
"Really? What am I thinking right now?" He said

It was so hard to act normal in front of him, staring at me so closely, intensely.
" You.. you're wondering where I'm from."
He said softly, " that's what I was thinking"

I wasn't sure if he was joking or something else.

" Somewhere from north or south?," He said, studying my eyes.
" North" I said with a smile.
" Yeah, you look like that" I cutt him off and said " what about you?"
" From somewhere, actually nowhere" he said.

Confusion in my eyes, " what?" I said
before I could say anything he asked " you don't look like for this academy, why did you came here?"
" Why? Because I'm from north? " I asked
" No, because you say what you think, so bold and different"
"Oh" I said, " and people at scofflish Don't?"
" Not like you did to me at green zone" he said.

I sighed and knew that he was talking about yesterday.

" so your parents sent you here? " He asked
I shook my head. " My uncle Chetan" my voice lowered.

I felt his eyes examining my face.
" Do you have parents" I asked before realising that how stupid was the question.

Anirudh hesitated. " No , not really"
" Whatdo you mean?" I asked
" Nothing" he said.
" What is the big secret?" I said
" No secret" he said with a smile.and added " Just nothing to tell"

" Or you don't wanna tell" I said.

Everyone was reading there books around us and professor were giving us lecture. He gave me a smile.

" Look I think we got off on the wrong way. Let's start again from the beginning"

" I'm Anirudh" he said, he held his hand out beneath the desk.

I studied his face, ' bondita' I said slipping my hands into his.

His skin was cold to touch, and I felt a tingling sensation in my fingers, our eyes met , and my face became warm, I was feeling something inside me, nothing like this had ever happened before, and I didn't understand why I felt so strange. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. He pulled his hand back quickly, and the sensation in my fingers slowly returned to normal. I blinked once, everything except Anirudh seemed muted. I was confused, scared, excited. He tried to understand what just happened, I knew that nothing would ever be the same from now. After our hands touched in the class, he stared at his and then mine with a confused look.

Lowering his hand beneath the desk, he opened and closed his fist. "Barely audible, did you.....?" He asked.

But as he studied my face. Had he felt the same what I felt? I didn't got a chance to ask him because he suddenly stood up. " I've to go" he said, packing his bag and giving me a last glance.

Thank you Everyone for the love ♥️ I'm beyond grateful ♥️ tell me if you are liking it or not! I'm sorry for the late actually was busy with school works! Next part would be great as I'll let you know about something that is so important. Thanks again;-)

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