14: The search for files ⬇️

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Anirudh reached for my hand but I stopped him, remembering that there was only one way to get into office to find those files and what better time than now, when the principal was clearly distracted?

" Wait, no" I said ,. " I don't want you to pretend that you didn't see us"

Both Mrs. Anita and Anirudh gave me a confused looks.

" Send us to the principal office"

" Bondita" Mrs. Anita said. " You don't want this"

" Yes, I do"

" You realise, you could be expelled"

At this point I didn't care . What I cared about was Alina, my parents. The curse.

" Go" she ordered, pushing us away from her. Anirudh tried to pull me with him. " Bondita, what are you doing?"

" Getting us information" I said, and coughed.

From the bushes, I heard people coming around.

" What was that?" A professor said.

The professor's eyes gleaming at us through the glare. Mrs geeta stepped up forward. " Good work, Mrs Anita" , She said while giving me a grin . " Got you"

" We've to distract her " I said to Anirudh as Mrs Geeta dragged us to the principal office. " I need to get to the filling cabinet"

He nodded. " I'll try"

The principal met us outside her office.

" Bondita, Anirudh" she said. " Come"

She sat in the leather chair behind her desk. Anirudh and I stood in front of her trying to think of a plan .

" Sit down" she said., " You look cold. Would you like a Cup of tea?"

" Yes please" Ani and I said at the same time.

She glanced us, and smiled. " If my memory is correct, this is the second time you both are here this semester" she said, her back to us as she poured our tea. " Sugar?"

" No thanks". We both said.

Just before the principal closed the doors of the hutch, I noticed two filing drawers at the bottom. I watched them disappear behind lock and key.

" Miss bondita and Mr. Anirudh, found together outside after dark by the lake. How romantic" she said without a smile in her face.

" What do you wanna say to defend yourselves?"

" It was my fault". Ani and I blurted out at the same time.

" I asked him to meet me so we could try to find Alina " I said, just as he said, " I asked her to meet me so we could join the search"

" Since, I can't find who is more wrong and can't let you wandering the school grounds anymore tonight while the search is going on, and since I don't want to let you out of my sight while I get my work done. I'm giving you some work, alphabetize my library." "Now"

There must have been hundreds of books, all out of order. It was difficult to do this work.

" I'll find all of the A's " , he said. " You work on the B's" .
I nodded.

While doing the work, I thought I'll go bathroom and make any trouble outside, which would draw her attention. Then I could return and check the files. It was the worst plan but not bad than no try.

I walked past Anirudh. " Find the key while I'm gone"

He grabbed my elbow. " What are you doing?"

Ignoring his questions, I turned to the principal, but before I could spoke, there was a knock on the door.

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