Seeing Old Ghost

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Song: Best Day of My Life- American Authors

He looks at me...grinning from ear to ear. "How do you feel precious? I didn't hurt you did I?" I love the way his hand skims the bottom of my jaw and hooks right underneath my chin for me to look up at him.

"Are you kidding me right you didn't hurt me and I feel...wonderful." I smile back at him. I in return trace his jaw line with my finger and when I get closer to his lips, I lean inward to kiss him softly. We lay there for a little longer and for some reason I have this weird feeling that it is a little later than I thought it would be. I jump up and he does at the same time.

"Everything alright?" He asks as his eyes grow wide.

"What time is it? I might need to get back home they will be worried about me."

He picks up his phone and blinks a few times. I watch as his nose scrunches up and his lips pucker up. "It's going on midnight. Yeah guess we better be getting you back home before they decide to murder my ass."

We both start laughing. I lean in to kiss him again. "I need to find my clothes first, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess we better."

After we find my clothes, we both get dressed and he drives me back home. He gets out and walks me to the front door to kiss me goodnight. We stand there just holding hands and staring into each other's eyes. We have a new connection now. We shared something so intimate and I feel like I'm just too far love with him that is. He kisses me and I watch him leave. Then I go into the house.

"Everything alright?" My dad asks when I walk in. I notice the way his eyes scan the clock on the far wall.

"Yes's going to be alright...good night." I take off up the stairs to my room. I don't give him time to question me.

He calls after me, "Good night sweetheart."

When I get to my room, I close the door behind me and run over to my bed to jump in. I have my phone in my hand and I can't wait to text him.

Coralie: Good night

Zayden: Good night Precious. I love you

Coralie: I love you too

After that night, every chance we get alone we make out. It's like with are magnetized to each other. It's just this whole new feeling and if I am being honest with myself, I actually crave that feeling being with him that way. Thankfully my parents are starting to let him come over more and will let me go out occasionally with him. I'm still not allowed to go to his place but's not like there is not a million other places to be alone. One place for sure is out in the forest, where we spent our first real night together.

Everything has been just falling into place. I mean school is starting back up and Carter moved out to go to college. Zayden is out of school now as well, so here I am going into my senior year. Therapy has been going alright and I have been going to group therapy as well because honestly I need to be around all of them. They have so much in common with me and they all get me and don't judge. And being with Sarah makes everything better as well.

I love my parents don't get me wrong but there are just some things that I can't talk to them about. And now that Carter is gone, it's like I'm the only child. However he still comes home on the weekends to do his clothes and stock up on mom's cooking.

School has been going by alright and I am starting to make a few friends but I don't think I will ever get super close, I'm still afraid that someone is going to leave me like Zoey and I just don't think that I can deal with that again.

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