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Jake sat on one of the bar stools in a local diner. He was sipping a Pepsi, around halfway through the glass. He'd come here to relax, to lay low after a stressful school week. 

He'd never exactly been the best student, however, his grades had truly plummeted this week. 

He'd get them back up eventually, right?

At least that's what he keeps telling himself. 

Glancing out of the diner window, he noticed a black car speeding down the street. He raised a brow, pushing his now empty class forward as he laid down a five dollar bill.

What was going on out there?

He heard shouting, car horns, and police sirens. 

Jake debated on going outside, however, his curiosity had gotten the best of him.

He rolled up the sleeves of his denim jacket and walked outside of the musty diner. While taking his first few steps on the sidewalk, he felt his foot collide with something. 

Something hard at that.

He bent down, only to realize that it was a black duffel bag.

More police sirens wailed by, and he eventually found himself getting swarmed by mobs of angry people.

"There's the criminal!" One shouted, their dark purple hair tied into a messy bun on their head. Their pale blue eyes glaring at him. 

He took a wary step backward, only to see a police officer come towards him. 

"This is a misunderstanding-" Jake began to ramble, but the police officer simply yanked him by his arm and pushed him against the police car.

He felt his hands getting handcuffed together, he wriggled with all his might, but he couldn't do anything. 

"Get in the car." The buff officer spoke, opening the door and nudging Jake inside, then slamming the door behind him.

Jake sat uncomfortably, he was trembling.

He hadn't done anything? Why couldn't they see that?

"Please, officer, I swear, I didn't do anything! I simply walked out of the diner, I swear!" Jake exclaimed, tears now rolling down his face.

Silence, until the officer barked, "Zip it, kid."

Jake opened his mouth to speak again, but decided against it. 

The officer sent a glare towards him, "What's your address?"

Now noticing, the officer had dark brown hair and pale skin. However, he had a piercing dark green gaze that made Jake shiver every time they held eye contact.

"My address.." Jake babbled, "7206 Pearson Street." He eventually got out, glancing out of the tinted car windows.

He watched as the car sped down the street, the sudden jerk made him want to throw up on the spot.

He bit his lip, gripping onto the side of the car door. 

In the matter of a few minutes, the car was parked in front of his house.

Jake's house wasn't exactly a rich house, it was a simple two story beige house with dark brown tiling and accents.

He saw the officer get out of the car and opened his door, ushering for Jake to follow.

A tear slid down his face as his parents opened the door.

His mother, a strawberry blonde, glanced at him with shock, her mouth propped open.

His father, a tall fellow with dark blonde hair, didn't even look at him, rather looked at the officer.

"What's all this about?" His father barked, crossing his arms impatiently across his chest.

"Your son was caught robbing a local bank." The officer spoke sternly, glancing back at Jake.

A lump then formed in Jake's throat. He gulped, looking down at his sneakers.

Silence. "My son would never do that-" Jake's mother began, but the officer only shook his head.

"We have all the proof we need, now, you have 2 options." 

Jake saw his father raise a brow, "What are these so-called options?"

"Well, first of all, you could send him to juvi-"

"We're not sending our son to juvie." His mother spoke, tears beginning to prick at her eyes.

The officer rolled his eyes, "Then, option 2 is perfect for you. You can send him to a boarding school for kids just like him." 

Jake's father sighed, "For how long?"

"A year at the very least." 

His parents exchanged a look.

"Can't you just fine us instead? I don't think this is necessary-" His mother started again.

"Miss, you can't just dismiss charges with a fine, this is a crime." 

"Honey, just leave it." Jake's father spoke.

His mother glanced at him, "And you're just going to let this happen to our son?"

"There's nothing else we can do!" His father exclaimed, Jake winced.

Jake's mother turned around and ran into the house, his father eventually following.

"Well then kid, it's settled, you're going to boarding school." The officer spoke.

Jake blinked, "Wonderful news?" He muttered to himself, the officer responding by shoving him back into the car. 

He grunted, "You'll see soon enough this was a mistake.." 

"We don't make mistakes. You did." The officer replied, speeding up to drive to god knows where.

Jake drifted to sleep, trying to ignore the aching pain from the handcuffs around his skin. 

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