Chapter 2

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Jake rubbed his eyes as an obnoxious bell rang throughout the school.

Was he going to have to deal with this everyday?

Tossing his covers off of himself, he slid on his black sneakers and tied the laces.

Jake heard knocking on his door, who would that be? 

He stumbled to the door and pulled it open, revealing a girl with long white hair tied back into a ponytail.

Her blue eyes were very friendly considering the fact that the pair had never laid eyes on each other.

She sent Jake a warm smile, "Hello, are you Jake?" 

"I- uh, yeah, that's me!" He stuttered out, "Great, I'm Daisy, and I will be your tour guide and supervisor!"

Jake blinked, "Alright." 

"Come this way, also, here's your schedule." She said softly, handing him a clean piece of paper showcasing what seemed to be his schedule:


Period 1: Math

Period 2: Science

Period 3: Lunch/Free Period

Period 4: History

Period 5: English


Jake raised a brow, "Isn't there like any fun elective class I can take?"

Daisy shook her head, "No, there's no classes like that here. Anything you manage to do fun has to be by yourself."

He let out a sigh, "That's disappointing."

"Well- I'll try to suggest that next council meeting with the staff here." The white haired girl said, "Anyways, let me take you to your math class!"

Jake nodded slightly, following after her as she made her way down the corridor he had been standing in. 

A few moments later, the pair had arrived in front of a classroom labeled Math B.

"Here you go-" Daisy said, glancing down at her watch, "Well, I have to go, hope you have a good first day!" Jake heard her exclaim as she tore off back down the way he'd came.

He walked into the classroom, the teacher sending a glare in his direction.

"Who are you?" He heard the teacher remark.

"I'm Jake. Jake Sterling." He eventually spat out, crossing his arms against his chest.

Silence. "Wonderful, take a seat in the back and try to keep up." The teacher spoke again, Jake finally taking in a second to register their appearance.

The teacher was a tall lady with dark blue hair cut to around arm-pit length. Her eyes were also a green color with a few freckles.

And, worst of all, she was wearing comfortable clothing.

She offered. Jake a piece of notebook paper and a black pen to tak

"Well, are you going to move?" Jake heard the teacher complain and he sighed, grabbing the things and moving to take a seat in the back. 

He eventually gave up listening to the lecture, turning to see a magenta haired boy looking at him.

"Can I help you?" Jake snapped, eventually being fed up with everyone's sour moods.

The kid raised a brow, his black eyes meeting Jake's brown.

"Jesus, why so agitated?" He heard the kid mutter.

Silence. "Look, you were staring at me, I know I'm handsome and all, but still, what do you want?" 

The boy rolled his eyes, "In your dreams, bud. Anyways, I don't want anything, I was just looking at you."

"In my dreams? Excu-" Jake began, only to have the teacher glare at him.

"New kid, shut up and pay attention or you're going to Math A. And Drew, stop starting stuff with people, you're not cool." The teacher barked.

Jake let out an agitated grunt, "Great, this is totally my favorite class." He muttered sarcastically.

He got a subtle laugh from a few kids and he eventually tuned into the lesson, scribbling down some messy notes onto the notebook paper.

After what seemed like an entire day, the annoying bell rang yet again.

Jake folded his notes into a neat rectangle and shoved it into one of his uniform pockets. 

He walked out of the classroom and stood awkwardly in the corridor, not knowing where to go.

Jake saw Drew, the magenta haired kid approach him again.

"Still want to finish your threat?" He taunted, and Jake only let out a small laugh.

Drew blinked, causing Jake to reply with, "Not really, anyways, could you show me where science is?"

Jake saw Drew cross his arms, "Why should I help you?" "I don't know- perhaps to be a nice person?" He cooed, "Or I can go back to math and ask for directions with you."

"Yeah- please no." Jake heard Drew say and he smiled slightly.

Drew sighed, "Come on then, I'm going there as well, just don't do anything stupid, I have a reputation to uphold here." 

"Reputation? This is a boarding school- not a gang-" Jake rambled, but Drew only began walking away, Jake quickly hurried to catch up with him.

"In Frayer, it can be whatever you want it to be." Drew retorted, "Why do you ask so many questions?"

What a lovely bunch this boarding school has.

"Because I actually want to know what's happening around me? Gee, sorry for being curious-" Jake complained. 

"Apology accepted." Drew said, a smirk on his tan face.

Jake only rolled his eyes, maybe it wasn't that bad.

After a couple minutes, the pair eventually made their way to a classroom labeled Science B, and they stepped inside.

This teacher looked a lot nicer than the past one, however she had gray hair and light blue eyes.

"Jake, right?" He heard her ask and he nodded, "Alright, take a seat right up here!" She said excitedly, pointing to one of the front desks.

Jake saw as his guide had moved off towards the back of the classroom, sitting next to a girl with blonde hair that faded into pink tips.

He rolled his eyes and sat down, luckily, the desk was next to a window and he found himself tuning out the lesson and losing his train of thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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