Chapter 1

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Jake felt the car he was in jerk forward, he caught himself on the backing of the car seat.

"Get up, kid, we're here." A buff man spoke, before Jake realized what had happened.

He had gotten accused of stealing, and now he was being sent to a boarding school? The experience was foggy, the once morning sky was now met with a rose gold color sunset. 

"Where are we exactly?" Jake asked, raising a blonde brow.

Jake saw the officer shift in his seat to look at him. He gulped.

"We're at Frayer Boarding School, this is where you will be staying for around a year until you get your act together." The officer spoke, his green eyes meeting Jake's brown ones.

"Sounds fun." Jake said sarcastically, running his fingers through his hair.

"You better keep that mouth in check or bad things will happen to you here." The officer snapped, thrusting open his own door before unlocking Jake's.

Jake shrugged, and begun standing up. "Can you undo these?" He asked.

"Undo wha- Oh." The officer walked up to Jake, putting a small key into a hole in the handcuffs. 

Jake let out a sigh of relief as he shook out his hands, there were still indents from where the cuffs were pressed into his skin. 

"Alright, let's get moving." Jake heard the officer say, and he quickly followed, keeping his hands buried in his pockets.

After a minute or so, Jake saw a gray archway in front of what seemed like a prison. He furrowed a brow, biting down onto his lip.

"Is this really what a boarding school is? Looks more like a prison to me." Jake retorted, frowning as he spotted cracks in the foundation. 

"Listen kid, it's either this or juvie." 

Jake sighed, opening his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

Before he knew it, the officer was unlocking a gate, which he rudely shoved Jake into before shutting the gate behind him. 

"Stay here, don't cause any problems." His officer spoke, walking off down a dark corridor.

Jake looked around, this seemed to be a courtyard of some sort.

And there were obnoxious cafeteria tables you see in elementary school.

Only a few kids were out, the rest were probably in their cells.

He blinked, not even noticing as a pink haired girl walked over to him. 

"Are you new?" She asked, raising a brow. She seemed to be a bit younger than him, around 15 maybe?

Her hair was cut shoulder length, and she had dark pink eyes. 

"Me?" Jake replied.

"Who else would I be talking to peachy boy?" The girl remarked, seeming to be getting a bit agitated now.

Silence. "Sorry- I'm just thinking. Yes, I'm new." Jake replied, pausing before saying, "I'm Jake, what's your name?"

The girl nodded slightly, "I'm Millicent, but you can call me Milly." She spoke.

"Anyways? What are you in for?" The girl named Milly asking, looking at him.

What? "In for- Oh, I got accused of robbery." He eventually babbled out.

"Sucks for you. I know you didn't ask, but I got in for violence, but, it wasn't my fault! Luckily, that snake also got put in this dump as well." Milly exclaimed.

Jake raised a brow, was it really smart to be talking to someone like this?

Well, it's not like he had a choice, plus, now knowing that she could beat him up, he'd rather not chance that.

"Oh, well, nice to meet you I guess?" He replied, taking a look at Milly's apparel.

She was wearing something like medical scrubs, except a lot more untidy looking.

The uniform was gray, and the pants were an even darker gray. The top of the shirt came down to around her hips.

It looked almost uncomfortable to wear.

"Is that the uniform they have here?" Jake questioned, praying that somehow that was her style.

Milly let out a laugh, "You think I or anyone else would willingly wear this?"

"I was hoping not-" He retorted.

He turned his head to see his angry officer buddy come walking back to him. 

"What are you doing?" The officer hissed, turning towards Milly.

"I was talking to him? Jesus- I'm not recruiting him to a cult or anything." 

She smirked, "Unless you want me to."

The officer glared, "I don't need you associating with him. He's already in enough trouble."

Milly laughed, "Alright, have fun being a douchebag, sorry you have to deal with him Jake, talk to you later!" She called out, sending a brief wave in his direction.

He waved back, watching Milly head back to what seemed to be her cell.

"What did I tell you to do?" The officer barked.

"You said not to cause problems! She came over to me! How about instead of accusing me for everything you look for proof." He retorted. 

The officer glared in response, "You're quite a handful."

"Thank you!" Jake exclaimed, sending a fake smile towards the officer. "Anyway, can you take me to a cell or something?"

Without replying, the officer tore off down a hallway, Jake hurried along to follow him.

At the end of the corridor, he opened a door with a key and ushered Jake to go inside.

It was a neatly decorated room, the main color was a sky blue color.

There was a bed, a desk, and a book case. And what seemed to be a bathroom in the back corner. 

Jake opened his mouth to say something, but the officer had already left him alone in the room.

"Great, thanks for the hospitality." He groaned, flopping out on his new bed.

On the floor laid a uniform similar to Milly's, except bigger.

"Do they really expect me to wear that?" He complained. 

Sighing, he got up and slid off his denim jacket, white t-shirt, and pants. They didn't provide him sneakers so he just kept his old ones on.

He looked in a nearby mirror. 

"You know, I kind of look hot in this, maybe someone will be into this?" He proposed, sending himself a flashy smile.

"Oh who am I kidding I'm a mess-" He exclaimed.

Minutes went by like hours, Jake only took turns sitting in different parts of his bedroom cell.

Eventually, he saw the lights turn off and an announcement broadcast saying, "All must head back to their cells and sleep now. School will continue as normal tomorrow." 

He groaned, as if this wasn't bad enough.

Jake tried sleeping, but it was no use. All he did was toss and turn.

It was extremely hard to sleep knowing you were wrongfully accused of a crime, sent to a boarding school, and you're all alone.

Eventually, his eyelids finally closed and he gave into a much needed slumber. 

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