CHAPTER 6: going to jail

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~time skip~

I was finished with work waiting for my father. Suddenly I couldn't breathe so well and I remember fainting. I woke up being carried by a man.

Suddenly I hit the hard concrete floor. "HEY HANDLE MY STUFF WITH CARE IDIOT" Joker yelled and shot the guys arm. "Are you alright?" He asked neeling down to me.

"I'm fine" I said. Joker helped me up. We got into the back of a  van with someone driving us. I suppose these men work for him.

Suddenly we stopped.

There were three different cars. Joker had a gun in his had and shot the first car. He shook his head in anger. "This won't do." He said

A guy handed him a bazooka. First shot was mis. He reloaded. The second shot was perfect but was stopped by... The batmobile.
"There's a Batman" Joker laughed.

The van moved again. But stopped hard making me almost fall over. "Careful doll" Joker said catching me. He walked to the driver and pulled him out of the his seat.

"I wanna drive now" Joker said I sat next to the drivers seat. Joker  was driving fast. I saw Batman chasing us with the motorcycle. Batman through a bomb at us

"Wanna play?" Joker asked while taking a turn. I was really scared "He missed" I said with excitement. "No he didn't" he replied grabbing me, opening the van door holding onto me tight.

We rolled off in the street and I felt Joker hold onto me as we rolled. Suddenly the bomb went off and Joker on top of me.

"You okay" he asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I replied. He kissed me. we quickly got up and I saw Batman was laying there. Joker skipped in a happy way to him

Almost taking off the mask off Batman a cop held a gun to Jokers head. "Just one more second" Joker asked. Before I new it they handcuffed us and took us to prison.

~time skip~

I can't believe I'm in a cell. It's a holding cell but still. "(Y/N)... I'm sorry for putting you in this. I promise I'll get us out."He said calmly. "It's fine" I said smiling at him.

A cop and Batman came into the room. "Common you sick clown" the cop said handcuffing Joker. "She didn't do anything wrong" Batman said. "But we have to question her" Commissioner Gordon replied

They put me in this small room were 2 police officers stood and commissioner Gordon was. There was a massive glass in front of us

I saw Joker sit under a dim light at a metal table, handcuffed. Commissioner Gordon entered asking some things while Joker was giving kinda funny answers

I was trapped in my mind of what questions like; just happened? Did my dad find out about us? Am I going to be locked up? Is Joker gonna be okay? What was going on?

Then the lights turned on and Batman smashed Joker's face into the metal table. I felt that pain a little. Batman asked questions and hurted Joker after every answer.

I didn't like seeing it so I went outside in the hallway. I went back inside after a while seeing Batman getting the chair. I knew exactly what he was going to do

I went to the entrance of the door Batman and Joker was in trying to get it open. "What the f*ck" you yelled turning into tears, crying.

You head back into the watch room seeing Joker laughing hesterickly. After a while Batman walked out. I ran in straight to Joker that was on the floor

"I heard you yelling" He says wiping off my tears "I was trying to get in" you replied "I know" he said

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