The First Day

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6:42 am Hiro's POV
Today was the first day of the new semester at SFIT, San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. After I sat up for a couple minutes, I walked to my drawers and grabbed some clothes while Tadashi was already dressed drying his hair with a towel. Yui was also dressed tying her red sneakers, her eyes battled to stay open.

Putting on my shirt I walk over to her and bent down, "Are you okay Yui?"

"Yeah... I'm fine..." her voice trailed off, "I'm....fine....fine...."

Yui's head slowly bent down, her eyes losing the battle. I snapped my fingers by her ears while saying, "Yui?" But she fell forward on my shoulders instead. I sigh to myself, pushing her back up to tie the other shoe.

"Did she sleep okay last night?" I asked.

"Yui had a nightmare again, woke up around 3 or 4 crying," Tadashi said, slipping on his signature baseball cap. "And by the sound of it, she was horrified."

"I hope she doesn't continue," I said, stroking her short hair.

Although Yui's the youngest and has the least memories of them, their death still hit her hard. She had nightmares for months, every time the realism levels up. Purple could be shown under her eyes, anorexia took over her life. We were all concerned, especially when she passed on the way home one time. Aunt Cass didn't want to do counciling, but that one day was the day she was brought back to life.

Story Time~
It was after Aunt Cass bailed Tadashi and I (well just Tadashi) out of jail. After trying to convince me that I should do something with my life, he insisted on taking me to my bot fight. We decided to bring Yui along, she started to look the shade of paper.

Instead of taking me to my fight, we stopped by his Nerd Lab at his Nerd School cause he "need to get something". We ended up meeting his Labmates Fred, GoGo, Wasabi and Honey Lemon and viewed their inventions. Their inventions absolutely stunning but it was Tadashi's invention that really stood out to Yui.

He called it Baymax, a huggable health care robot. Activating at the sound of "Ow", it waddled over to scan us. Inspiration hit us immediately, changing Yui's life forever.

Yui started to smile again, light illuminated where ever she went. It was hard for her to adjust but soon she starting eating again (with the help from all of us) and got her skin color back. She also got accepted into SFIT and became the Yui she is today.

End of Story~ Still Hiro's POV
"But we're not letting her miss school today," he walked over and carried Yui on his back, "Can you grab her bag over there?"

"Sure," the three of us walked out, closing the door.

Walking downstairs we saw Aunt Cass sitting at the counter with Mochi, our pet cat. She stared at her "two college men" then glanced at Yui, who was now in a deep sleep.

"Is she okay?" Aunt Cass asked, setting down Mochi.

"She had a nightmare," I said, the big furball strode between my legs.

"Aww, poor Yui. I hope it doesn't continue though," she said.

"It sounded pretty bad," said Tadashi. "But we're not letting her skip school today."

"Okay, well here are your lunches," she said, kissing each of us on our head.

"Bye Aunt Cass!" we chorused.

"Have fun at school!" she exclaimed.

We went down another set of stairs then out the cafe door on his MoPed.

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Hai guys, turns out school wifi

deleted everything so curse them.

This is the Actual First day;

might delete The First Day

+Author Note, not sure at the

moment. You get involved

more next by the way u.u

Anyways Monday was the first

day of the new semester at meh

school. Sigh, it was hard

rewriting this and sorry for meh

grammar and sloppiness.

Tell me? Is the storyline

confusing, I really need to know.

Bai fo now!

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