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Your p.o.v

Melissa accompanied me to my room, it wasn't much but it was still cool. She also informed me that my room was right beside Michiru's and the man named Shirou.

I'm happy that I could make acquaintances with new people, back in the old land 'the human land' I did not have a lot of friends. I wouldn't say these people are my friends but we can try to be.

Michiru's p.o.v

Shirou came downstairs, he looked like he had seen a ghost, also he was blushing a little. 'why is he blushing' I ask myself. Well, it's none of my business, I shrug it off. "So, Shirou what are we doing today?" I asked

"Oh uh yes, the mayor asked us to look into a case. Apparently, humans are still turning other humans into beastkin cases. I heard the humans have discovered out how. They have tested it on a few humans. We must find these humans and help them." He responded.

"Ok! Hey Shirou," I ask with the most cutest puppy dog eyes. "What?" he said, "I was thinking we could bring (Y/-)" "NO!" he rudely interrupted. "But why, I want to be friends with her. You too boring all you talk about is mayor this mayor that." I protested.

"You will get her in trouble. And this is a dangerous mission, Tanuki" he protested back. "I swear I'll take care of her, you don't have to do anything either." I pleaded. "Fine, but If she dies, her death's on you tanuki." He responded looking away with anger. "Yay! thank you thank you! thank you!".

Your p.o.v

While I was unpacking my clothes and other items, I heard someone running upstairs. And then Michiru slammed open my door. "(Y/N)! COME WITH US ON A MISSION!" Michiru yelled at the top of her lungs, "Okay, okay, calm down Michiru what's this 'mission' about?" I said in my monotone voice.

"It's about capturing people turning humans into beastkin!" She said excitedly. 'turning humans into beastkin' my face was drained of its color. 'maybe that's what happened to me'

"Okay, I'll go!" I said "really!" Michiru said all excited, 'she seems like a nice person' I thought and responded "Yes!" Maybe this will help me know what happened to me. Being a beastman is good I like it, but I still want to turn back in human form tho. While Michiru and I were walking down the stairs we met with a fluffy-haired man, I was thinking of how I would tell them I was a human before becoming a beastman.

When we arrived I opened my mouth to speak and said " hey, guys first I wanted to inform you of something..." "What is it?" asked Michiru. "Well before becoming a beastman, I was a human," I said nervously concerned about what their answer would be.

They looked at each other in shock. And then Michiru smiled brightly and said "You just like me! I was a human too before becoming a raccoon!" "tanuki."

Shirou corrected her "I'm a raccoon!" She yelled "anyways, that's why you smelled human when I first met you. Also, I presume you can't change back?" He asked, "I can try, but how do you do it?"

"Ooh ooh, I know! Just think how you want to go back to your human form, that's what I did!" Michiru suggested. "Ok! I want to go back, I want to go back, I want to go back." "I don't th-" Shirou started, "nevermind." Suddenly I turned into a human again! "Wow! Finally, I even forgot how I looked like a human!" I said.

"Ok if you got that then we can go ahead to the mayor's office then," Shirou said, I saw a little tint of blush on his face. I shrugged it off as me going crazy. After that was done we headed out the beastman co-op doors.

Shirou's p.o.v

When she turned into her human form she looks even prettier. She had (S/T), and (E/C) looked so shiny, I have never seen something so beautiful such as her in my whole entire 1000 years of living on this earth. I feel myself blushing, is this what they love at first sight?

Thanks for reading have a good day <3

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