Chapter 6

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"Alana," she said from behind me " now that's a lovely name for a lovely girl"

"Thanks, but doesn't everyone say that?" I say back.

" I was hoping you wouldn't notice," she says back with a grin.

"It appears I have noticed, If you're trying to get on my good side that won't work, but maybe your name might," I tell her with a slight tilt of my head.

"Ah yes, I'm Remi," she says with a laugh sticking her hand out.

I grab her hand and shake it. " I'm Alana nice to meet you"

I use her hand to drag her to the bathroom. Once we get there I drop her hand and go looking for my scissors. I find them in the mess of my bathroom, and quickly hand them over to her.

"these don't look nearly as sharp as they should be, but they will have to work" she says looking them over.

"Good because you're not going to find anything better," I say as I turn my back to her. " Do as you wish, I honestly don't care what you do"

"The mighty lady gives me permission to destroy her hair as I wish" she joked. I let out a giggle as I hear her speak with a proper sounding accent.

I hear her rummaging around for a second before I feel a comb run through my hair. The gentle tug of the comb made me feel at peace. The peace was soon disrupted by the crunch of hair being cut. I felt an urge to resist, to stop her, but I held myself still. I looked up at myself in the mirror and felt calm and unclench the tension in my gut. She looked pretty I noticed without my nerves getting to me and eating me alive. Her pink hair stood out against tanned skin. I felt unbearably white, sickly even. I don't stick out as much as her, I could never compare. I wish I could say she was hotter than that woman, but something that didn't feel like me said she could never compare to her. I didn't want to think like that, both women were beautiful, Their beauty was different. One demanded respect with her suffocating aura the other felt kinder, still strong, but not as demanding.

"well look at you don't you look gorgeous" she states startling me, putting her hands on my shoulders, looking into my eyes through the mirror " we are going to have so much fun you and I"

I hope so, there's nothing I want more I tell myself. Nothing I should want more. Nothing I want more.

439 words

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I will be updating when I can and I hope you are all doing well.

~love the author

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