Chapter 11

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(Scotts POV)

The fight was still in my mind seeing Stiles so mad, but the worst part is they act like this is normal. "Yeah he is, but when he is not there or knocked out because he went into blind rage I am," Newt said that like it happens a lot. They even have a name for it! We pulled up to the Glader/Scorchers house and it's like a routine. Newt and Minho carry Thomas, Jordge gets the door to the house, Aris-Brenda opens and closes the car doors, Sonya-Harriet hold Teresa and Gally, and Frypan goes to cook lunch.

The Pack sits in the kitchen at the table where Frypan told them to wait for the others to come in. It wasn't long until Newt and Minho came in from upstairs where they put Stiles. Sonya and Harriet from the basement where Teresa and Gally are tied up unconscious. We're all sitting at the table in silence until I break it.

"What the hell happened?" I ask

"Well that depends on what you're asking about. The fight between Tommy and Terassa or the blind rage Tommy was in?"

"Both, y'all are acting like this is normal."

"It is mate, Tommy has a very short temper. But sometimes he goes livid and the fire turns blue. I usually can cool him down before but some people it doesn't matter."

"Like who?

"Three People-Gally, Terassa, and Ratman." We sat in silence until Newt got up to go check on him.

"So this happens a lot?" I question Minho

"He's only gone livid three times with blue fire, but when someone lies or tries to hurt us he gets pissed fast with red fire. One - When Chuck died every agent that he saw died which was 200 people. Two - Battling Ratman, he is the only one that has ever survived Thomas with me and Newt there. Three - When Newt almost died he wouldn't let anyone touch him or he would burn them." Minho sighed.

"Can I ask what happened to him?"

"Yea, but I have to ask Newt," with that he ran upstairs. It was a couple minutes before he came back searching for an ice pack, then ran back up.

"Why does he need an ice pack?" Liam questioned

"Each time Thomas goes livid he gets really hot like the oven on the highest setting. No one can touch him except for Newt. While he's knocked out he can sometimes scorch the blankets on accident so they are trying to cool him down. He's also going to be a sarcastic ass who thinks we're scared of him." Frypan explained while sitting at the table. Minho and Newt come back a minute later looking worried and have fire marks on them. Newt sits at the head of the table Minho beside him and puts head in his hands.

"How is he hermano?" Jorgde asked Newt

"Same as usual sweating, shaking, and worrying the hell out of us. Now Agent Mccall answer my question. Why the hell would you bring them?!" Newt scolded

"I thought you might be friends. Gally was found next to Chuck's body barely breathing and Teresa next to him with burn marks." My dad replied

"Bloody Hell! No!" Newt Shouted his eyes slowly starting to turn white, but something calmed him. "I'll be back, Minho tell them everything"

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