Part 16

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Chapter 16
It was the next morning a.k.a 6 more days days til the ball and I woke up, showered, ate, and brushed my teeth, plus I let my hair dry by its roommate told me they canceled classes today because of the weather so I was reading a book by the fire pit."Hey Wilson come with me to the library" Me and Draco were just friends now we talked it all out yesterday and he understood plus he still had feelings for me but he knows we won't be a thing anymore.I went with him to the library and he said "What good books are there to dads making me read" I laughed and made fun of him.

Obviously I did help him find a book of course "how about this one it's called the hate you give" he gave me a confused look and he asked what it was about, "well it's about racism, about a black female who went to a party one night and her black male friend got shot by a cop that night because he was pulling out his brush and the stupid cop thought it was a gun so then that was the main plot we can say about the book because black people are treated unfairly" he looked at me and grabbed it and told me that it seems like a good book.

Once he grabbed it he sat down and started reading he looked blown away and then yelled "THAT STUPID FUCKING COP" I laughed because it seemed like he was into the book but I asked the librarian what time it was and she said "11:30 a.m" I told Draco I'll chat with him later because I'm meeting up with Fred, I also told him to enjoy the book but not too much because his dumb self will continue shouting.I arrived in the potions class alone with Fred I gave him a hug and he said "How's your day been ugly" yes I know I got that special nick name ugly but I told him how my days been good but pretty boring.

It's fun now though since I'm with him, he carried me and placed me on the desk and started kissing me, and of course I kissed back "so when will you finally say yes to me Wilson" two days ago he asked me to go out with him and I told him how I wasn't sure but he just hits different..."Fine I will be your girlfriend now continue giving me my kisses" he laughed and he started cheering "LETS GO MY GIRLFRIEND IS KEHLANI WILSON" I smacked his arm and laughed with him.He grabbed my hands and said "I promise to always make you smile" I laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek...god he's so nice.

After twenty minutes I headed back to the library because I have to go get my potions textbook...we get a new one each month and yea I forgot to get it when I went to the library with Draco earlier today.I entered the library and Draco was still there reading, his face was all up on that book I laughed and smacked the table he was sitting at "How's the book" he was going to answer until the room started shaking I heard Nevilles voice yell "SPIDERS ITS SPIDERS" once I heard spiders I knew he has to be talking about Hagrid's friends those filthy huge spiders and sadly me and Draco saw one come into the library and it noticed's like if I was their target.

Draco then yelled "RUN KEHLANI" that big ass shit started chasing me while me and Draco ran we ran into Hermione, Ron, Harry, and The twins we start zapping them with several spells, we ended up killing most but once we reached the middle of the campus the spidered surrounded around us "Kehlani your mother owes us big time and she won't be keeping her promise so you better give us what we want" seriously what trouble did my mother put me in this time "I have nothing to give you so discuss this with my mom and not me thank you" I tried walking away until that filthy thing hissed at me like bitch is you a snake god damn.

I looked at it in shock "Bitch did you just hiss at me" I started walking closer to it with a angry face and it started backing up "Kehlani back off from them they can hurt you" I didn't listen and continued getting closer, and closer.Finally I was face to face with it and yelled "DON'T EVER HIS AT ME BITCH" and I started zapping it with my wand as the spiders ran with fear finally I caught up with all of them and yelled "AVEDA KEDABRA" and pointed my wand towards all the spiders left and killed them, "Bloody hell...that-that was INSANE WOAH".Dumbledore ran towards me and instantly yelled at me and told me to go with him.

I was sitting in front of Dumbledore in his office and he finally spoke "Why do you put yourself in so much trouble, you wonder why all bad things happen to you and this is why because you cause these things to happen" seriously what the fuck did he just say..."So when I got rape your saying I asked for it and that it's my fault on why I got raped" "no that's no what I-" I cut him off and stood up and left the room "KEHLANI I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT" I reached the hall and started crying wiping my tears but they came back fast, I got to the girls bathroom and screamed my lungs out "AHHH FUCK EVERYONE FUCK EVERYONE".

I started punching the walls harder and harder every minute...I never expected Dumbledore to say some stupid shit like that...I know he's wrong but it hurts mostly because he's basically saying everything bad that happens to me is all because I asked for it like dude explain how it's my fault I got raped TWO FUCKING TIMES.I stayed in the bathroom for 30 minutes straight until Hermione came in and saw the dry blood on my knuckles, saw my pug red eyes, saw my arms wrapped around my legs as I sat on the ground crying still, "Holy shit Kehlani what happened" I looked up and she tried making me get up "Dumbledore is asking for you Kehlani" and I nodded telling her that I'm not going to speak to him.

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