The Stallion meets the Dragon

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You and Ivy were on your way to the Black Dragon Fight Club, where you were going to meet their leader. Ivy was nervous, but you felt extremely confident. When you two finally got in, the place was packed. It was expected, but you didn't think it was that big. They were watching people fight in such, but you weren't very interested in that kind if thing. Ivy stayed as close as possible to you as you fought through the sea of people, trying to find their leader.

"I see him." You heard Ivy say through the crowd of people. She grabbed your hand and you both started heading towards the bar. When you both managed to get through, you both were able to sit at the stools. Ivy nudged you and nodded her head towards a bare chested man with a bionic red eye holding some beer.

"That's the leader of the Black Dragon. We need a plan." Ivy said. You nodded.

"You need to introduce yourself and show you mean business." Ivy said. You then felt nervous. You couldn't help but be intimidated by him. Though it was expected, you were still nervous. Especially since he looked like he could kill you in an instant.

"I can't. He's huge! He'll crush me like a bug!" You said. Ivy rolled her eyes. "This is what the Black Market is all about. Your the leader, you go do it!" Ivy pushed. You sighed. You glanced over at Kano once again, and that's when you both made eye contact. You quickly looked away, but it was too late. He had already noticed you and knew that this was your first time here. He grinned and got up and started to walk towards you and Ivy. "Shit, he noticed me glancing at him!" You said. Ivy rolled her eyes. "Don't be too worried about it." She said.

"'Ello, beautifuls. I couldn't help but notice I've never seen you around before." Kano greeted. You looked up at him, now seeing him for how tall he is. Ivy looked over, her eyes telling you she wasn't going to help you. "Yes, well, we're here because we want to discuss fusing our clan with yours. My name is (Y/N), and this is my right hand man, Ivy." You introduced and put our your hand. You were relieved that you didn't studder through any of that. Kano grinned and shook your hand. "Kano." He said simply. "Why don't we discuss more in my office. Talking out here in the open isn't the best thing to do." Kano suggested. You nodded. You and Ivy then followed him up into a room that was completely messy. It was more of a party room than an office. Not to mention, there was a giant window that watched over the cage match from inside, which didn't make it any more comfortable. "Sorry 'bout the mess. I get a little carried away." Kano chuckled. Ivy looked back to see bodyguards blocking the door from the outside before they closed the door to leave you three alone. You three sat down at a desk. You knew Ivy had a bad feeling about this place, and you couldn't blame her. It was a mess, but in a way, you enjoyed being in a risky situation like this. Kano then opened another bottle of beer and started to gulp it down. "You ladies want anything to drink?" He asked, grinning at the both of you. You both refused. "More for me then." He said before finishing the bottle and throwing it to the side.

"So, you ladies are part of the Golden Stallion clan, huh? I've heard of ya before. Your mum was quite popular when she was around. Hell, I was afraid you would run me and the Black Dragon out of business. But, now you're down in the dumps. What a shame." Kano said, still putting on a sly grin. Ivy rolled her eyes and nudged you to say something.

"Well, the only thing we can really do right now is go out of business or join another clan. Definitely something I don't want to do, but I don't want to leave the market." You replied, trying to be as professional and calm as possible. But it was hard considering the environment and who was right in front of you.

"Well, you came to the right place. The Black Dragon can take you in. More people working here means more business. Now, of course, you're going to have to lose your position as leader of your own clan. Whatever you have, it belongs to me now." Kano said bluntly. His eyes examined you as you thought to yourself, thinking at the last moment if this was something you really wanted to go through with. You gripped the arms of the seat, not wanting to give up such a position you were proud of. You sighed in defeat, knowing what you had to do. "Do we got a deal?" Kano asked as he put out his hand to shake in agreement. His voice made you shudder a bit.

You slowly pug your hand out and shook it, glaring at him. "Don't make me regret this, Kano. If you do, I'll make sure your other eye is clean off." You said. Kano laughed.

"Come on sweetie, be happy you're still gonna get money in the end." He said. You growled as you let go of his hand. Ivy looked over, a bit surprised you said such a thing. You and Ivy then stood up. "We'll see you tomorrow then. Have a nice rest of your day, Kano." Ivy said, trying to make up for your words. You and Ivy then left the building peacefully and safely.

"She's feisty... I like that."

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