The First Heist

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It had been a few months since you had made that deal with Kano. Thankfully, you were still the leader of the Golden Stallions, but Kano was in control of you. He was now your boss. Not only that, but you and your clan had to work with his, so wherever the clan went, you went too. But it wasn't so bad. It could have been worse. You and Ivy were working with the clan, waiting for the sales to come in when Kano suddenly bursts into the room. "Ain't it the two new beauties!" Kano blurted out. You and Ivy looked up at him in surprise. "(Y/N), how about you and me go on a heist? We're both leaders here, and I wanna see what you can do." Kano said. You gulped. "See, here's the thing, boss... I've never actually been on a heist." You confessed. Kano burst into laughter. "You're a black market leader, yet you've never been on a little adventure to take what should be yours? Come on." Kano said, still chuckling quite a bit. He then grabbed your hand. "Well then, you're coming with me. I'm gonna teach you the ropes along the way." He said, pulling you up, making you yelp. Ivy stood up. "I don't think that's a good id-" "Aw, don't be like that, let your friend have a little fun every once in a while." Kano interrupted Ivy. "Well, I'm sure it'll be fun." You said. Kano smiled. "That's the spirit! Come on, let's get going." He said.

You both got into a car with some others from Kano's crew and you left. "Where are we going to do our first heist, Kano?" You asked. "Well, you ain't gonna do much, you'd just have to keep watch with some of the other crew while me and some of the boys go in and take what's ours." Kano explained. "What? I thought I was going to do this with you!" You said, confused. "You are, love." He said. "I mean, I would go in with you and get the treasure with you!" You told him, getting a little pissed off at him. "Aw, is someone getting pissy? Look love, you aren't going in with me because you told me you've never actually been on a heist before. I'm doing you a favor." He shot back. You were still pissed, but he was half right. This was your first heist, but it didn't mean that you didn't know how to fight and be sneaky to get something you wanted. You were somewhat of a pickpocket-er growing up, so this wouldn't be too different from what you were used to in the past. But you had to follow his orders whether you liked it or not or else he would gut you like a pig.

You all got out of the car once you all got to the destination. "Alright, half of you boys are gonna stay out here and keep watch. If you see anything suspicious or a guard, try to take them out as quickly and quietly as you can. Don't do anything to alert the guards here either. If we get out alive and I find out who were to alert the guards, you'll be as good as dead." Kano explained. Just when you were about to speak up, he interrupted you. "And (Y/N), before I forget," he said as he threw your gun at you. "I stole it from you on the car ride. Keep a sharp eye on yourself or you'll be the first one killed by someone else." Kano snarled. You growled in frustration as you heard Kano chuckle to himself. As soon as he snuck in with some of his men, you started to feel a bit of fear. You were around his men, who you didn't know. Not to mention, you heard they were ruthless and don't have any mercy whatsoever. You already hated being left out to watch just because you were around them. They could probably stabbed you right now for fun, and none of them would even care about how you felt. Maybe even Kano would feel the same. For the first half of the time, you stayed quiet and in hiding, trying to spot any guards to eliminate.

"So, your the new chick that Kano hired, huh? Don't think that you'll be treated nicely by any of us just because you're a woman." One of the men said. You rolled your eyes. "I don't expect any one of you to respect me. All you are to me are pawns." You shot back. "Pawns, huh? Don't try it, sweetheart, I'm sure any one of us could take you down right now and Kano wouldn't give a damn." Another one of the men said. This time, you didn't respond. "You know, the only women who come to us are just sluts that get fucked and then get left out on the street once their all used up." The first one said. "Well I'm not a slut and I don't intend to be a toy to any of you. I'm just here to work, and that's it." You replied. "Oh, that can change real quick." Another one said, grabbing you from behind. You struggled and fought back while some of the other men surrounded you. You knew their intentions, and was not going to give up. One tried to undress you while another tried to hold you still, when suddenly, alarms went off in the building, catching everyone's attention. Kano and the others suddenly ran out with tons of jewels and such in hand. Guards followed, shooting and even killing some of the men.

You reacted quickly and kicked one of the men trying to assault you in the crotch and pulled out your gun, shooting some of the guards chasing them. Lot's were chasing Kano in particular. You knew it was risky, but you shot most of the guard trying to get at Kano. Kano yelled to get in the car, and you did along with other men. You and the others still shot at the guards while Kano finally jumped inside. It wasn't long until you all drove off and were long gone. "Well? What happened?" You yelled to Kano. "One of my men decided to try and distract the guards and got us all caught in the act. He's dead now, but if he were still alive, he'd be more than just gutted." He said. You then went quiet. You wanted to tell him his men tried to assault you, but would he even care? Were what his men saying true? You decided to wait until after you got back to base to tell him.

When you all finally got back, Ivy ran up to you and hugged you in relief while the men carried the treasure into base. Kano then walked up to you. "Nice shooting back there, (Y/N). Maybe you're not as much of a rookie as I thought." He said. Did he just compliment you? You sighed and nodded. "Kano... can I talk to you alone?" You asked. Kano stared silently at you for a few seconds, then nodded and followed him to his private office. "What's this about, love?" He asked. You braced yourself to confess. "While you were in the building getting your treasure, your men tried to sexually assault me before the alarm went off. They said something about most women that come here are usually just used sexually until they are used up." You explained. "They didn't respect you, huh? I'll take care of them, don't you worry about it. Did you try and fight back?" He asked. You nodded. "I'm asking 'cause you know I won't be able to save you like this all the time. You need to fight harder and stronger. I would suggest training with your pal, but I know she isn't as strong as any of my men either. Why don't you train with me?" He asked. You looked up at him. "You know, for a Black Market leader, your being awfully nice to me. How am I sure I can trust that you won't just kill me in the end?" You say playfully. "I only kill when someone steps out of line or is in my way." He replied. You stand up. "Well, thank you Kano. I appreciate it." You say as you head for the door. He watches as you walk out. As soon as you got out of his office, you go to Ivy to explain everything to her.

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