Please don't take my sunshine away

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Somewhat based on the prompt above.
This is gonna be really sad and angsty. You have been warned.

Sweeney finally finished cleaning up his shop. He managed to not get too much blood everywhere, but there was definitely blood on the walls and on the floor. The day was the same as usual. He spoke with Nellie for a bit, he opened his shop, killed a few people, closed the shop, then cleaned up. He was quick to notice that something felt wrong. "Usually Nellie comes up to talk to me after work." He thought to himself. He figured she was taking a bit longer to clean up her shop. He waited for a while, but as it got later, he seemed to get a bit worried. "Maybe Toby had a nightmare or something, and she's comforting him." "Sweeney!" He heard a voice exclaim. "Nellie?" He asked. He rushed out of his shop, and down the stairs. He looked around. "Nellie?" He repeated. "Sweeney." He heard her say. "Where are you?" He asked. "I'm back here." Nellie said. Sweeney looked behind the counter, and noticed her lying on the floor, bleeding. His eyes widened. "What happened?" He asked. "One of my customers stayed when I told him to leave. He kept asking me to go on a date with him. I told him I was with you, and he must've lost it, I guess." Nellie explained. "We need to get you to a hospital!" Sweeney exclaimed. He helped her up, and walked her out the door. "You're gonna be alright, Nellie." He said. He was trying to comfort her, but he was also trying to comfort himself. The thought of losing her scared him. He had already lost Lucy and Johanna. He refused to lose someone else he cared about. "Sir!" He exclaimed as a coach driver passed by. The man came to a stop. "Yes?" He asked. "We need to get her to the hospital!" Sweeney exclaimed. The man nodded, and let the two in. "Don't worry, love. We'll get there soon. They'll help you, and you'll be okay." Sweeney said. "It hurts." Nellie replied. "We'll get to the hospital, and they'll heal you." Sweeney said. "Love, I'm scared." Nellie muttered. "I don't wanna die." She added. "You're not gonna die, Nell." Sweeney reassured. "Just hang in there. We'll be at the hospital soon." He added. "You know, I think this is the first time I've seen you be so positive about something." Nellie said. "That's because I know you're gonna survive this." Sweeney responded. Nellie smiled. "I'm gonna survive this." She repeated. She learned her head on his shoulder. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." Sweeney replied. The coach came to a sudden stop. "Why are we stopped?" He asked. "Looks like the street's blocked." The driver explained. "Is there a way around it?" Sweeney asked. "No." The driver replied. "How long will we be stopped?" Sweeney asked. "I don't know, but it looks like we'll be here for a while." The driver responded. "We don't have a while!" Sweeney raised his voice. "We need to get to the hospital now!" He added. "Sweeney." Nellie said softly. "He doesn't mean to shout. He's just worried." She stated. "At this point, walking there would be faster." Sweeney muttered bitterly. "You really think so?" Nellie asked. "I don't know." Sweeney replied. "But we don't have time to wait for the street to stop being blocked." He added. He got out of the coach, and helped Nellie out. "Come on, love. We'll get there on time." He reassured. "How far away is the hospital from here?" Nellie asked. "I don't know, but it shouldn't be too far." Sweeney responded. The two walked in silence. He usually didn't mind the quiet, but now, he just wanted a distraction from his thoughts. He was constantly reassuring Nellie that she was going to be okay, but on the inside, he was scared. He had no idea what was going to happen to her, even if they did make it to the hospital. "People rarely survive wounds like that." He thought to himself. He tried to push all the negative thoughts away, but soon enough, they flooded his mind. "The hospital's a long walk." "You're not gonna make it on time." "She's gonna die, and it'll be all your fault." "Stop it!" He shouted. "What's the matter, dear?" Nellie asked. "Nothing. It's just...I'm trying to keep the negative thoughts out, but they keep coming back." Sweeney explained. "I have hope that you'll survive this, but that doesn't make me any less worried." He added. "Don't worry, love. I'll be fine." Nellie reassured. Sweeney wasn't sure how true that statement was, but he had to stay hopeful, for both himself and for her.
After walking for a while, they were able to see the hospital ahead of them. "We're almost there." Sweeney said. Nellie smiled. "Almost there." She repeated. She fell to the ground. "I don't think I can walk anymore." She said. "It's just a bit further, Nellie. You can rest when we get there."  Sweeney responded. "I don't think I'm gonna make it." Nellie said. "That's nonsense! You're gonna make it! I'll help you up, and we'll get to the hospital!" Sweeney exclaimed. He helped her up, but she seemed to collapse in his arms. They both fell over. "Nellie?" Sweeney said. "I feel like I'm gonna pass out." Nellie mumbled. "I can't walk anymore." She added. "I'll carry you then, but we can't just stop. The hospital's not that far." Sweeney said. "So much blood." Nellie whispered. Sweeney didn't even notice how much blood she had lost until he looked at the wound. "You're gonna be fine." He said. At this point, it felt like he was trying to convince himself. "I love you, Nellie." He then said. "I love you too, Sweeney." Nellie replied. She held him tightly. "You are my sunshine." She sang softly. "What did I tell you about that song?" Sweeney asked. "That you're not a ray of sunshine, so it doesn't apply to you." Nellie said. Sweeney nodded. Nellie continued to sing. "My only sunshine. You make me happy when the skies are grey." "That's cute, but we need to get up now. The hospital's not that far." Sweeney said. "You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." Nellie sang. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I love you, and I'll miss you." She said. "What are you talking about? We're gonna make it to the hospital." Sweeney responded. Nellie didn't say anything. "Nellie?" He asked. "Nell, wake up!" He exclaimed. "Cut it out, Nell! We need to get to the hospital!" He added, trying not to cry. "Nell, please..." He muttered. He noticed she wasn't breathing. "No, this can't be happening. This is just a nightmare. I'll wake up, you'll tell me everything is fine." He said. There was a moment of silence. He couldn't hold back the tears anymore. "Don't leave me like this." He said. "It was supposed to be us against the world." He added. He held her tightly, more tears running down his face. "I love you, Nell." He muttered. His sadness turned to anger. "He won't get away with it, love." He said. "He took the light of my life away, and he'll pay for it."

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