Taking Flight

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-[In the Castle of Lions, Lance is sleeping inside a pod within the Sleep Chamber as his team watches sans Coran who is at the console.]

Hunk: "I can't tell if looks healthy or... Not."

Pidge: "I think he's breathing weird."

Keith: "Oh, come on!"

Lotor: "I can and no he's not breathing weird Pidge."

-[Keith tries tapping on the pod; Allura stops him.]

Allura: "Not yet! A few more ticks."

Keith: "How much better do you think he's gonna get in a few more ticks?"

Pidge: "And what exactly is a trick?"

Allura: "You know, a time-slide."

Shiro: "What, like a second?"

Allura: "What is a... 'Second'?"

-[Pidge takes out a clock counting seconds to show Allura.]

Pidge: "Like this."

Allura: "I'm not sure. I think ticks are bigger. Coran, do you have a ticker?"

Coran: "Right here, Princess."

-[Coran takes out a ticker counting ticks to compare.]

Hunk: "I think ticks are a little slower."

Pidge: "I can't tell. We have to start them at the same time."

Coran: "Okay. Ready, go!"

-[Both counters start together; everyone huddles around to watch.]

Hunk: "Yes! I think we're winning."

Keith: "Winng what? The intergalactic time-measuring competitions?"

Hunk: "Yes."

Lotor: "Maybe."

-[Unbeknownst to the team, Lance exits the Sleep Pod and stumbles over.]

Lance: "You guys having a clock party?"

Hunk: "Aw, Lance, you just ruined it. Uh-- Hey Lance!"

Lotor: "Lance!"

-[Hunk hugs Lance. And Lotor hugs Lance as well.]

Lance: "What happened?"

Allura: "We can tell you all about it while you get something to eat. Are you able to walk?"

Lotor: "I... I... Umm... Lance, I will tell you."

Lance: "Okay... Talking? Eating? Are you me out on a date?"

-[Allura is unimpressed, as most of the team; except for Lotor.]

Pidge: "Yep. There he is."

Shiro: "Yep, he's okay."

Keith: "Classic."

Lotor: "Glad he is back."

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