Chapter Five

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* Scarlet's POV *

I think I am dead when I wake up because all trace of pain I felt before is gone, from my burning fever to my aching bones. Taking a quick glance around the room, I sit up and stretch my arms out. I don't know if I am dead or alive but I am beyond caring. The only question on my mind is where the heck am I ?

As if reading my mind, I hear a deep quiet  voice say, " You are at Raven ."

Heaven ? 

I turn my head to the direction of the voice where a boy , who looks about 18, maybe 19, is standing by the window, his arms crossed across his chest. For a split second, I think I know him, everything about seems so familiar to me. From his clear ocean blue eyes- so inviting and glittering - so full of life to his dirty blond hair that that almost hide those eyes. I have a sudden impulse to sweep his hair to the side. Except I don't. That's when my senses come back to me.

I don't know him or where I am for that matter. 

I glance around the room anxiously trying to remember how the hell I got here. Nothing comes to comes to mind. I try to remember if I ever seen this boy standing in front of me with his hands up held up and a part of me screams yes ! yes ! yes!  The suspicious and smarter part of me screams: run as fast as you can.

Before the dumb part of me has a chance to defend herself, the boy with clear blue speaks " Don't worry, I am not going to hurt you and if you give me the chance I can explain everything though it may sound weird and unbelievable at first."

I 've watched enough movies to know how kidnappers worked so If he thought he could trick me,  he better think again. I carefully surveyed the room picking out the best place to make my escape but just as I decide on the door, a short women who's hair is only a shade darker then mine walks in smiling as we are all friends.

"Hello Scarlet, how are you." She turned to the boy still smiling " Cole, you can go now, I will take it from here."

"Actually I wouldn't mind staying if it's not too much." 

The short old women looked away from me to him and said "Cole I think it will be in everyone's best interest that you leave Scarlet and me alone. Wouldn't agree." And just like that the boy glanced at me one last time before fleeing the room. 

"Now I am sure you are confused and somewhat scared but don't be, nobody here can hurt you. All we want is to protect you and do what is best for you." She moves to sit on the bed giving me the best chance to escape through the door. 

"If you would let me explain, I will explain everthing. Oh and forget  about leaving this room till I have explained everything because the door is locked and we on the fifth floor so I guess that excludes the window if you are smart."

"How do I know you aren't lying to me. " At this, she lets a chuckle before shrugging. " See for yourself." 

I want to but I don't seeing as there is really no point in doing so. If she wanted to hurt me, she would have done by now. Anyways the boy, Cole, could be waiting outside and I know he  could take me down anytime with those ripping muscles.

So I say the lie that I think that can save me. " I will take your word for it."

She has a knowing smile in her eyes but doesn't say anything." Okay keep an open mind until I am finished and listen carefully. It will be mind blowing but when I am done, I will prove everything, Okay?" I nod at this, humoring her. 

"I don't know if you have noticed but everything about you is different, you are not the girl who you believe you are-not anymore. You are not fully human though you have aren't fully supernatural ." Yeah right. 

"This is a school for people like you, more or less. We will teach you to embrace who you are. Here you will meet people like you who are just as lost as you. For example, when Cole first come here, he was exactly that, barely had anyone. And now he is happy here so I am sure you will fit right in.

"We are not fully sure what form you will take but at the moment, you seem to be turning out like me; a bit of everything."

I didn't believe a word of what she was saying, not for a second. At least not until she stayed true to her words and proved everything she was saying. Rose Sherrie got up and grabbed my hand in hers.

My eyes almost popped out because she showed me a vision of me, how I was feeling before she came in. She stepped back keeping careful eyes on me. What the hell just happened ? Seems a scene from a creepy horror movie. Did it even happen ? No. Couldn't have.

 As if to prove this, Rose Sherrie says " I didn't tell you my name or anything else about me but you seemed to know."

 That's when it hits me . That's when a part of me starts to believe her. That's when everything adds up. 

Everything makes sense now; from the increased dreams, knowing her name and fever. The fever ! I felt like I knew Cole all my life but I have never met him before. I knew her name-second and last-before she even told me. 

But how is this possible? Things like this just don't exist. They just don't, but they seem to do for me.

"IF what you are saying is true, who am I anymore?" She smiles sadly before saying " You are the same girl as you were before, just a little more powerful. Don't worry about it, just see how it goes for few weeks and for now, go your dorm."

I want to ask her more questions but I bite my tongue back and just nod, then realise I don't know this place, let alone where my dorm is. When I ask her this, she says Cole should be waiting outside and then dismisses me.



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