Chapter 8

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:P sorry these are short

Nialls POV

BAM I jolt up and turn to Ed. He has his keys in his hand and an apologetic look on his face. I smile and start to get out of the car.

"We follow this course, seems like we're late." Ed points out and walks along the path. The facility is huge and looks pretty decent, study and ridged. There are medical trucks lined up against the building in a parking lot west northeast to us. Those must be the trucks we trade out.

We keep walking in a comfortable silence, captivated by the scenery and shock of this. Once we reach the door, Ed takes a deep breath and swings open the door.

Inside are beds upon beds lined up. In the back, from what I'm guessing, are the intensive care units. The drivers and nurses are all grouped together with their soldiers. Where's Liam and Nick? I scan the room, carefully searching for them but come up with empty results.

"Ed do you know where Nick might be?" I question, even though he's probably only just talked to him once.

"Oh that kid! What a goofball, check the toilets maybe," Ed suggests,"I'll pep talk the soldiers." He finishes and strides towards our group of soldiers.

I awkwardly shuffle towards the buckets. What a poor excuse for the toilets. I keep looking up, tell and tell myself to never look case I catch a sight of something I don't wanna see. No Nick here.

I wander around, trying to catch a sight of my brown haired friend. Where is he!? Maybe they just got a little lost....yea that's it...yea. I make my way towards Ed and our soldiers.

"....and that's how I killed Abraham Lincon!" Ed explains and they all laugh. Ed turns to me, taking note of my presence. "And this is our lovely nurse, Niall. Say hi Niall." Ed smiles and encourages me.

"Hi.." I cough and they stare. Ohmygod this is so embarrassing ugh. I scratch the back of my blonde hair and drop my gaze to the dirt floor.

"Isn't he a cutie?" Ed teases, and I shake my head. He's a proper wanker.

"Well I was just gonna meet up with some of my friends, you guys can to. Meet here at 7:00?" Tyler (I think) asks, and we all agree in unison.

They all drift off of our group and I'm left alone. Maybe now I have a chance to find Nick...and maybe Harry!

I examine each face that crosses my path, excluding everyone that wasn't harry or Nick...which was all. Ugh might as well go to my cott.

I venture over to my cott marked Horen, Niall. I sit down and start to fade into sleep......

"Niall, bud?" I hear an oh so familiar voice. "You up? Um sorry if you aren't...I'll uh...I'll go sorry...heh."

I crack open my eyes.

"It lives!" Harry jokes, and sits down next to me. I mumble gibberish, trying to get up. It's so harddd! I can't leave you bed! My easiest hello and hardest goodbye.

"Ni? You sick?" Harry gently places his palm across my forehead. I shake my head, and his hand falls with it.

"No, I'm okay. What about you?" I ask, taking his hand and playing with his fingers.

"Just fine now that you're here," He playfully winks,"no but it's a total relief knowing that your safe....I just don't know where Nick is. Oh well, well find him soon." There's determination In his voice, the one thing that I've always admired about him. I admire how he never fails to give up, to always help those in need. He'd be a better nurse than I am, he's so compassionate.

"Well you're better than Nick." Harry smiles warmly, and I return.

"You really think so?" I wonder, I mean, Nick is a pretty fun person.

"Nah just kidding," He laughs then recollects himself, "I know so." Harry leans over and gently kisses my forehead letting his lips linger there for approximately 4 seconds....yes I counted don't judge.

He then starts to cup my cheeks, his palms perfectly slotting up against my jaw. Slowly, he began to gently rub his thumbs across the soft skin of my temples. We've maintained eye contact this whole time, and he began leaning in.....and locked our foreheads together. (A/N 😉) His breath was fanning out to me, the smell of fresh mint. I didn't know they had tooth paste here.

"Ya know? I'm really lucky to have you Niall, you're just so sweet I don't know what id do without you. You light up my darkest days, and I can't thank you enough. You're so kind and generous, and let's not forget loyal, you're always there right by my side..I can trust you. What I'm tryin to"

"Niall! There you are! It's 7:09! Come on you're late! Hey Harry!" Ed pop in from behind us, what a cockblock.

Harry let's out a sharp breath of annoyance, and glares at Ed "He'll be there in a second." Harry voice is firm, and it's sexy.

"Harry we need to eat and discuss bases, it's kinda important." Ed meekly disagrees, looking at my with pleading eyes.

I wrap my hands around Harry's and slowly slid them off, I kiss him on the cheek for as long as I can without being creepy, and whisper in his ear.

"Meet me at here tonight." And with that, I walk over to Ed and leave without a single glance.


Probably the longest one I've written yet XD hope you guys have a great day, love y'all's! Please make sure to share, vote, comment and follow :D

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