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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

"And just as the Phoenix rose from
the ashes, she too will rise. Returning
from the flames, clothed in nothing but her
strength, more beautiful than ever before."

-- Shannen Heartz.

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

"i will throw a chair on your face
if you do not shut the hell up."

"it goes both ways
it cannot be only
them as it cannot
be only me"

"a coward. that'swhat i am and that's
what i will be."

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

SOMETIMES ALL IT TAKES TO START A FOREST FIRE IS A SMALL MATCHSTICK, and that small flame can grow greater, bigger and eventually grand enough to destroy something, that took anywhere between six hundred to a thousand years to form, in a matter of months—if not days.

It's the same with the other living beings, it always has been.

A small misunderstanding, something that is regarded as unworthy of even mentioning, can break down bonds that have taken years to form. All that trust, commitment and love that was built step by step, a brick at a time is tumbled down because of something so small, no one could have anticiapted it to break the unbreakable bonds.

Some people know this all too well and others barely to.

Athena Mary Grayson-Lance is a pecuilar case of both.

She knows what it's like to lose everything you have worked for, but at the same time she doesn't know what its like to pick up the peices of her heart because whenever the time called for it, she'd disappear, like a memory.

And so the tales of the blue eyed one are told. The girl who refused to have her heart in one place after the only people she trusted broke it and it's been that way for the longest.

What she doesn't account for is getting some souveniers who'd be there for life, for example some random girl who looks like her—and is her twin— tagging along and now acting like her impulse control, Aegis Smith is someone else.

She doesn't let that faze her, not anymore at least, besides sometimes its nice to have someone who has your back, and so the two continue to travel side by side until they bump into an old town full of old memories and regret.

Athena's overtime to pay her old dues and Aegis has too much time pass before she took whats her, and they did not expect to be here and definitely not tied before they even met by a place so toxic that it'll grab you back.

Athena and Aegis know this, they need to stick together despite the past making its way onto the surface.

People will get hurt, bonds will be broken but this time Athena needs to decide if she will run away or face the heat of her flame like she was raised to.

Athena has sacrificed, and that's no ones fault but her own. Aegis has lost, and that's not her fault at all. They couldn't be more different, but in the end, what's the sword without the shield, like the shield without the sword?

They need to be sisters, or rising may just be about impossible

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧


Athena Mary Grayson Lance
"because there's always a choice, i've just never been brave enough to make it"

Athena Mary Grayson Lance"because there's always a choice, i've just never been brave enough to make it"

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Aegis Faith Smith

"sometimes the ones closest to you stab you and all you can do is look at them while you go."


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i own nothing but the plot, Athena, the other fairies, faery and Aegis, everything else belongs to DC.

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ZeninaD PricetagOfficial IdioticAlyssa ArtemisLianCrock-B07 Brooklyn_Writes diya_purohit13 euphoricsenses evphorics- FreedomWhistle -jaytodd AAthen IdioticAlyssa odysseious waynestodd thatlittlebookbitch and everyone else who inspires me, be it in real life or through their writing!

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