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Neil is a really smart kid!

He signed up for science camp after all!

I thought that maybe I could use something sciency to help wake him up.

"Hey Neil!" I said, "Do you want to show me what these chemicals do?"

I have to be honest, I'm not really good at science, but I'm sure Neil can figure it out.

I showed him some test tubes and beakers but he just continued to stare and smile.

I wasn't sure what to do next, all I know about Neil is that he's into science.

I thought that maybe asking a science question would wake him up, "Neil, what is the Earth shaped as?" I asked.

"Ha!" he laughed, "The earth is a rhombus of course!"

"I- I don't think that's correct Neil." I said, trying not to hurt his feelings by rejecting his belief.

"Yes it is, Daniel said so!" Neil shot back, a little angrily.

Then the answer hit me.

(Well, not really. That would hurt.)

Neil is always correcting other campers when they're wrong. I figured if I told him something he wouldn't want to hear, he would wake up to correct me!

"Oh Neil," I called out, "Did you know that two plus two is five?"

(I know it's not actually five)

"What? No it isn't!" he said sounding angry.

I watched him pace around, explaining how two plus two is four. And as he was explaining, I could see his pupils get smaller and his clothes change color.

"And THAT'S why two plus two is FOUR David!" he yelled in conclusion.

"Nice to see you're back Neil!" I said smiling.

He looked around and noticed that everyone was back to their normal selves.

"Wait, what just happened?" Neil asked.

"It's not important," I said, "But I still need to fix one more camper."

"Huh, who?" he asked.

He looked over to the camper who still had his eyes dilated and was smiling and gasped, "Max?!"

Can You Hear Me? (Camp Camp Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now