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Max had actually asked me about all of this earlier. It was because he asked that I decided to write all of this down.

I simply told him that we all just talked and that soon the campers snapped out of it.

Max believed me and said it was lame that that's all it took, but I felt bad for lying to him.

It took a lot more then just talking to the campers, as you should know if you've read the other stories.

But Max...

Max can never know what it took to turn him back to normal.


After (almost) everyone had turned back to normal, I sent them to their tents to deal with Max alone.

I knew it was going to be a lot harder to wake him up.

Max watched as the other campers went into their tents and then he looked at me with a worried look and widened eyes.

"Where's Daniel?" he asked curiously.

I had no words.

Max is smarter then the other campers, but I didn't expect him to ask that.

No camper had asked for Daniel but him.

"Max, listen to me. Daniel, uhhh.. He's- he's- not going to be at camp anymore, ok?" I explained to him and then tried to cheer him up, "But that's fine! You'll be-"

"Daniel wouldn't leave us." Max interrupted and tilted his head which made a cracking sound, "Did you make him go?"

I stared fidgeting with my fingers, wondering what I should say, "Max I-"

"You did, didn't you?" he asked seeming angry.

I then noticed something was in one of Max's hands. I looked closer and he was clenching a twisted knife that was similar to the one Daniel had.

"M- Max is that... MAX PUT THE KNIFE DOWN!" I yelled.

But it was too late.

Max ran over to me and stabbed the right side of my waist with the knife.

It hurt.

A lot.

But there was no time for crying.

Before he could run away, I grabbed Max and pulled him in for a hug.

He squirmed around a bit, trying to escape, but then he stopped and I watched as his clothes turned back to their normal colors.

"Let me go David." Max muttered angrily.

I smiled and was so relieved. "I'm so happy you're back Max." I said, "Because I need to scream at the top of my lungs and clean all this up before Gwen comes back."

After that, Max saw the blood and asked why I had a knife shoved in my waist.

I told him Daniel had stabbed me but that I was ok and that he should go with the other campers.

He gave me a weird look but went off with the other campers as I cleaned up the mess.


I hope this was helpful for whoever is reading this and please fix whatever happens as quick as possible.

Remember: campers come first.

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