Sleepless Nights

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Your driving wasn't the best to say the least, you knew that. But you never expected it to be what killed you.

You and Lin had been engaged for about a month now and somehow you had made it to this point in your relationship without her ever seeing you drive.

You never really had to drive anywhere seeing as the two of you lived in a city so you could walk everywhere or, if worse came to worse, you could take a bus.

But today you were headed to a bakery just outside of Republic City for a cake tasting so you had to drive.

Lin insisted that she didn't care about any of that planning stuff but you knew she secretly did and just didn't want to admit it and sound like she was going soft.

You knew you were a bad driver, but didn't think you were bad enough to deserve the reaction Lin was giving you.

Her hand gripped tightly to the top of the window and her foot slammed on an imaginary break.

"Y/N slow the fuck down!" She demanded, causing you to laugh.

"Come on. I'm not going that fast." You replied, taking your eyes off the road to look at her.

"Y/N I'm serious!" She insisted. "The speed limit is 35!"

"The speed limit is a recommendation." You rolled your eyes and looked back at the road.

"No it's not!" You could see her face turn white out of the corner of your eye.

"Relax, we won't crash. I have a clean driving record, never even gotten a ticket." You chuckle then add another sentence just to mess with her.

"Of course it does help when you can tell the cops that pull you over your fiance is their boss."

"You've been doing what?!" Her voice can't seem to decide between anger with your claim or terror with your driving.

You laugh again and speed around a corner. "Y/N slow down!"

"Okay, Okay." You can't stop laughing as you pull up to a short brick building. "We're here anyway."

She can't seem to get out of the car fast enough, resting her head and forearms on the roof of the vehicle.

"Keys." She says, one of her palms facing up. "Now."

"Not a chance." You twirl the keyring around your fingers before hitting the lock button.

"How did you even get your license driving like that?" She stands up straight and looks at you expectantly.

Spirits did you love that stern all-business leer.

"I didn't." You shrug, turning on your heel to head towards the building. Lin follows you, her frustration growing.

"You don't have a driver's license?"

"I meant to get one." You assure her.

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