Chapter Two

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I sigh and let my phone drop on the ground. 6:30 pm. Friday night. I should just check maybe. But they could be murderers. I will bring my throwing knives just in case hallucinations can kill. After I stopped going to my dads I was always scared he was going to come kill/hurt me. I've been obsessed with Clove from THG forever, and always believed if I was in The Games, throwing knives would be my weapon. My mom said there was no way she would let me get them, so I made my own Amazon account, and used a gift card. My 3 knives arrived a week later, and I took them to the park to practice. I started with putting leaves on the ground and calling them targets, and when I got really good, I used trees. I could now hit a bullseye on a tree, from like 30 yards away. Still, nobody, except my bffs Melody and Katelyn. I'll just check it out. I get on my bike, wearing a black sweatshirt and grey leggings. 6:59. When I turn that corner to the place where the big man was, a female-female voice fills my ears. 

"You surely are brave, Hailee."

 My knees start to wobble. I turn to a gorgeous woman. 

"Sit, and put down your weapons and phone. I definitely don't want to hurt you. My name's Morrigan, but you can call me Mor."

 There's so much authority, yet reassurance in her voice I find myself sliding my phone in my pocket, and sitting across from her. Upclose, I can see her pointed ears. Her hair was a not-really-dirty blonde, and the right word for her face-striking- Mor is striking. I manage to get a few words out-

 "H-how do you know my name?"

 "That's exactly what I'm going to tell you."

 "I am from a place across the world, it's called Prythian. In Prythian, there are creatures like me"

 she points to her ears

 ''called Faeries' '


"There was just a war, where some faeries wanted humans as slaves. My friends and I fought for the mortals. And now, we are trying to make peace with the other faerie courts."

 I furrow my brows in confusion. This is all too much. How do I trust this strange lady? Why is she even telling me this? She continues 

"Courts are like what you guys call states, but they are ruled by a high lord, an extremely powerful faerie. I am 3rd in command of the night court. There are 7 courts, night, day, dawn, winter, autumn, summer, and spring."

 What happened to the dusk court? 

"My high lord/cousin is mates with the high lord of the spring courts ex-wife, and now she is our first ever High Lady. He is not happy about that. However, we need to make peace with the spring, and autumn court"

 I wonder who they stole from the autumn court. 

"The high lord of the Autumn is a stubborn bastard"

 She rolls her eyes 

"And his son lives in our court now"


"My high ladys sister is a seer; she can see the future. She kept having visions of you consulting with Beron and Tamlin, trying to make peace"

 I assume Beron and Tamlin are the high lords of the Autumn and Spring court. 

"We searched everywhere for you; then we found you... Our head spymaster has been"

 she pauses for a moment 

"Watching you for the past few months"

 My eyes widen. Watching me? How? 

"We tried to do it in the politest way possible, so we could figure out what you really want. We want to offer freedom in exchange for you helping us."

 What the heck? How? Why? 

"You can ask questions now"

 I immediately began. 

"Why should I trust you? How do I know you're not a murderer? Who can I tell about this?"

 She reply's 

"What do I need to do to get me to trust you? No one."

 This is so weird. 

"Show me your magic"

 I blurt, and instantly regret it. She smirks, and black dust gathers around her, and when the dust disappears, she's not there.

 "That's called winnowing"

Mor tells me from behind. She can teleport! 


I stare at her in awe. 

"I want to meet your high lord and lady"

 I say, with as much certainty as possible. 

"Here. Tomorrow, at 5. Deal?" 

"Deal." As soon as she winnowed away, I gasped for some much needed air.  

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