Chapter Seven

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The next day, Mor was knocking on my bedroom door, almost congratulating me. Elain told them she had 'fun', and apparently Elain doesn't say stuff like that. So, later, when there was another knock on my door, I assumed it was her. My assumption proved to be true, and Elain was standing there, her body showing she was nervous, but her eyes flickered with excitement. There was no way to restrain the smile that I spread. She returned it. "Um uh hullo, I was wondering... wellwedidnttravelthewholeofVelaris, so, er-uh wanna go out?' Elain stuttered out. 

My face softens, and I nod excitedly. She seemed to have been holding her breath, because she inhaled deeply. I invited her in, and told her to sit on my bed as I got ready. We learned last time to dress warmer. As I brushed my hair and teeth she told me some smaller details in her life. About how loved painting, about her green thumb, and Nestas constant fury. Then, she told me more about Beron and Tamlin. Nasty people, really. We were walking through the dining room, where, luckily, Rhys and Mor sat. They offered to winnow us down, to which I replied, "Gods, yess!" It's one thing accepting help from someone as proud as Cassian, but another for Mor, who I think it's safe to call a friend. Before Rhys and Mor leave they tell us it's 11. We have a full day of fun to look forward to! Elain leads me straight, to the other side of the city, and we begin looking around. There seemed to be many galleries. 

"So, Feyre is one of many artists around here." I sort-of-state sort-of-question.

 "She has a gallery just down there. She does free art lessons."

 I make an amused sound.

 "We could walk by it if you'd like?" She asks.

 "You took the words right out of my mouth!"

Feyre's gallery is beautiful. Stunning. Elain started giggling at my gawking face, but covered it up with a coughing fit when I shot her a glare.

 "I'll see if anyones here" She gasped, still laughing. 

    She walks up to the door, and pounds her fist on it. It's dark inside, I observed through the window. I doubt anyones here. After waiting for a few minutes, we concluded no one was there, and took off, to the bustle of the city. The next day was the same, and so was the day after that. I asked Mor, one day, when she came by my room to check in, how long I've been there. 3 weeks, was her answer. A twinge of guilt stabbed me, but I tried to shake it off. I was having a good time, but everyone is probably worried about me. I missed my mom, Moose, Melody, and Katelyn. I thought about how lucky I was to have an opportunity like this, even though most people wouldn't take it up. I always knew I couldn't sit around my whole life, so on my next outing with Elain, I asked her when I would start. "I think Rhys and Feyre want to give it till January, give you a bit of time to get used to it here. Oh, and I think someones going to start training you pretty soon."

 January? It's only early November. I have some time.

A/N sorry this chapters so short :(( I'll make the next one better, or I'll try. Its Holiday break! 

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