Chapter Five

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I stumble out of bed with a groan when I hear a knock at the door. It's Mor. 

"What are you doing here, it's 6:30!"

 "Cassian wants you ready by 7:30. He is going to take you to the Illyrian camp with him for a bit to explain some things to you."

 She tells me, and I nod, not bothering to ask what Illyrians are. 

"What should I wear?"

 She pushes through the door, and past me to the closet, and starts rummaging through it. "Privacy, much?"I ask her, getting annoyed. 

"We can argue when you get back. Get in the shower." I turn towards the bathroom. I have under an hour. I need to get ready quickly.

When I wobble out of the shower, still sleepy, Mor shoves joggers, a t-shirt, and warm, yet not-too-thick zip up in my arms. She says she will come winnow me back here when I am done at the camp. I thank her, and I'm ready before there's a knock on the door. 

"Morning. I assume Mor told you where we're going?" 

Barely. "She didn't give me the details"

He turns to me. "We need to get Nesta. Be careful around her, she is not so happy to be coming." Is what he says before grabbing my hand and winnowing us away to a dingy, old, and smelly apartment hallway. (A/N Can Cassian Winnow? I know Az can bc of his shadow singer powers, but Cass doesn't have them? If you know, please comment :))

 He walks up to Nesta's door and knocks. It opens about 5 minutes later to reveal an angry-looking Nesta, wearing about the same thing as me.

 "C'mon sleepy head" he says, reaching for Nesta, then me. 

Cassian explained to me that Illyrians are fairies with wings that are trained to be warriors. Nesta didn't seem to notice me until we got to the camp; a wet muddy field that was filled with tents farther than I could see. 

She looks at me "What are you doing here?" she asks sourly.

 "I guess I'm on a tour. I can see you don't like getting up early." Nesta is really 'feisty'.

 Cassian scoffs "Early? Most days training will start at 6! You two slept in!"

 That shuts me up. 6? Like, A.M? Cassian leads us to a man, and to the looks of it, he has some authority. "Leave the talking to me" Cassian tells us.

 "Devlon" Cassian greets the man. 

"It doesn't look like the females are training" Devlon rolls his eyes.

 "I will be staying here for a few months, along with Nesta." I think I'm the only non-angry one of the four of us, even as Devlon practically spits on me. 

"What's that?" He's referring to me.

 "You mean, who is she" Cassian corrects him.


Cassian continues "She is going to help us make peace with the rest of Prythian" I smirk, proudly.

 "You may not disrespect her, or any of our guests, is that clear?" 

Devlon looks like he smelt something funny. "Yeah, fine."

Cassian took me and Nesta to train privately. While she was wobbly, and couldn't get a grip on things, I simply wasn't strong enough to use them properly. He made us both do push-ups when he left to get lighter and easier-to-use weapons. After about three hours of that, he had us try to fight. Same thing. Nesta didn't know how to fight correctly, while I wasn't strong enough to do much. It took about an hour for Cassian to get Nesta to stop shaking, and me to use my body weight as strength. After that we fought each other, and then him. Me and Nesta tied because the round was taking so long. Cassian beat both of us, though my fight lasted longer. 

"When is lunch?" a sweaty Nesta asks Cassian. 

He looks nervous "About that... It's 4. We need to meet Mor in 15 minutes. C'mon."

 She's finally come to get me! 

"Why?" Nesta asks.

 "She's taking Hai back" Guess he figured out my nickname.

 Nesta just rolls her eyes. On the 10 minute walk to the edge of the camp, I can't help but make them a ship name. Nessian. I've just got to tell them.

 "Nessian is your ship name, your welcome." I declare 

"What's that?" Cassian asks.

 "Sorry, forgot you guys wouldn't know what a ship is. But it's when you think people should, ya know, like, be a couple? Yeah, don't mean to be nosy or anything, but I totally ship you two. And the names Nesta and Cassian combined are Nessian. Your welcome." 

They both stop and stare at me, before Cassian bursts into laughter, and Nesta starts scowling. This lasts for at least 2 minutes, before I say, "I don't want to make Mor late, c'mon!"

As soon as we get back, to what Mor tells me is called 'the house of wind', the place where I am staying, Mor sits down beside me on 'my' bed.

 "Hey, so you know Elain?"

 I nod, and she goes on. "Well, since she spends her day by doing not-so-important things, like baking and gardening, and doing her hair" I raise one eyebrow. 

"Feyre and Rhys are sending her here to bond with you. She's nice, and, well, very sensitive. Try not to make her cry." I nod my head again.

 I may not have been the nicest to Nesta, Amren, and Cassian, but they mostly started it. If Elains going to be nice, I'll be nice, too.

 "She'll probably come by tomorrow. Let me remind you, she's shy." I nod again, and she bids me goodbye. 

A/N (Again) Please give feedback on this story, Comment, and vote! I know y=this is poorly edited, but I can't find anyone to do it :((

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