5| The Truth

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"Let me get you a cup of coffee." Dianne went to get up but I quickly stopped her.

"Sit down Dianne. Let's not avoid this any longer." I hung my head low. I couldn't even look at her . She looked so much happier with me out of her life. Her skin was radiating and she had lost a few pounds and gained some in the right places. I was starting to regret coming here. I know it sounds bad but I was hoping she would be miserable without me ...

"Okay then." She crossed her legs on the couch and starred at me from across the room. Her eyes were warm like I remembered them to be . She was beautiful to say the least but it was time for closure. It was time I move on.

"When was the last time you slept with Mya."She asked almost like she was holding it in. I wanted to lie about it so bad but the point of us meeting today was to close loose ties in our relationship, not create new ones.

"A week ago." I answered plainly before looking away from Dianne . I couldn't sit here and watch her hurt because of me , it was tearing me apart.

I could see her out the corner of my eye with her hand covering her mouth as she silently cried to herself. The room fell quite for a few seconds . Only thing to be heard were her soft sniffles.

"I'm sorry Dianne." I managed to speak. It was like my throat was slowly closing. Being around this woman knocked the breath right out of me . I'm not sure if it was a good thing either.

"I'm pregnant" she blurted out. My heart felt like it literally had broken into pieces. I felt myself physically becoming ill and the floor below me began to spend.

"You're what?" My voice seem to echoed as the room continued to spin.

"Pregnant Kapri, I'm six months." She lifted up the oversized shirt she was wearing reviling her pregnant belly.

I starred at her belly , remembering all the times we talked about starting a family . I was so excited to be the mother of her children one day but now I know for sure that will never happen. I almost hated her in this moment.

"But we've only been broken up for a month Dianne." I began sobbing because I knew what she was going to say next.

"I'm so sorry Kapri. It was a one night stand-

"No . It was infidelity."

We sat there in silence for a few minutes. I wanted to know what she was thinking but I was too afraid to ask. I didn't want her dropping anymore secrets on me.

She sighed loudly , " we were toxic Kapri. Let's not fool ourselves, we both deserve better." She finally broke the silence. I looked over at her with rage fuming through my body. I wanted to snatch her up by her neck but decided against it because of the innocent life living inside her.

"YOU were toxic Dianne . I did everything to keep your spoiled ass happy. I've been beating myself up for a month about us breaking up. All for you to be pregnant!! And you cheated on me!" I yelled at her.

A few seconds later a tall-slim guy came running down the stairs . He sat next to Dianne on the couch before pulling her into his arms, " You okay baby." He asked her

I eyed him. Why was this stranger in my house. This couldn't be the man that Dianne cheated on me with. I always knew her to have more sense than that. I guess I was wrong.

Dianne face was pale . She starred at me , not letting her eyes leave me once. I was burning a hole through her soul at this point and I know she knows she has just ventured to the land of no return with me. This was it. I'm done with her.

"Ron I told you not to come downstairs." She said in a shaky tone.

"I heard yelling and didn't want your toxic ass ex stressing my babies out." He rubbed her belly before shooting me a glare of death .

My eyebrows narrowed as I starred the nigga who was now holding Dianne down . When did people get so comfortable with taking advantage of me. I let this breakup with Dianne get the best of me and it was showing .

I got up from my couch and went upstairs. I went into our master bedroom and realize this man had basically moved in. I grew angry at the sight and began taking things out the room and throwing them down the stairs.

"Kapri! What the hell!" Dianne voice came ringing from downstairs.

"This is my motherfucking house Dianne. My mother fucking house!" I yelled as I grabbed some more of her belongings and threw them downstairs .

"Wait I thought you said this was your house?" Rob asked her. Dianne just stood their looking clueless like always . Enough was enough.

"Her house!? HA!" I laughed historically as I threw more of their stuff down the steps. " brother your woman hasn't worked a job ever in her life . How could she afford this house?" I yelled.

"And you Dianne!" I took a bunch of her shoes and threw down the steps. " You have some fucking nerves. You've cheated on me so many times I lost count ." I felt tears building up in my eyes " Shit this not even your first time being pregnant on me." My voice became shaky as the tears I was holding in for this whole month came pouring down.

"Kapri please! I love you!" Dianne yelled from the bottom of the stairs as she struggled to grab her stuff.

"You love her? I'm out of here!" Ron said as he headed for the front door slamming it behind him.

"You love me Dianne? Do you really?" I stood at the top of the stairs . I couldn't take it anymore. I dropped to my knees letting all the emotions I had pent up spill.

"Of course I do baby?" She pleaded as she slowly came walking up the stairs.

"Then why have you never been satisfied with me Dianne . It's always been other people , you've always treated me like an option when I was suppose to be your future wife!" I yelled causing her to stop in her steps.

"Stop it Kapri you slept with my sis-

"I KNOW THAT!" I yelled causing her to jump back a little " I know what I did Dianne. And I'm so sorry but the difference between me and you was I was honest . We've been together for years and I've never even glance at another woman but you.. you couldn't wait to step out on me and I was always dumb enough to stay!!" I yelled .

"I'm the victim Dianne not you! You don't even care that I slept with your sister ! You probably set this whole thing -

Then it clicked in my head . Dianne was there that night when me and her sister had sex. It was Dianne feeding me unknown pills and at one point encouraging me to flirt with Mya. This was all apart of scam to get out of a relationship with me so she could run off with Ron.

"Did you plan this Dianne?" I asked as I stood up.

"Kapri listen please-


"Yes..yes yes KAPRI!" she broke down crying " I couldn't hurt you no more . I just didn't know how to say that.. I've been with you for years and I've always felt like something was missing.. I'm not gay Kapri . I just loved you. I'm so sorry. I went about it all wrong . I love you so much Kapri. I really do." She cried. " Just not as my wife..."

And that was all I needed to hear I came over here and got exactly what I needed , the truth. I slowly walked down the stairs , facing Dianne " I want you out of my house by the morning." I said to her sternly before walking around her and towards the front door.

"Please don't do this to me Kapri. You know I don't have anybody." She ran behind me grabbing me but I pulled away.

I stood there thinking for a few seconds . How could I be so blind , so naive . I looked backed at Dianne and pulled her in for one last kiss.

I could feel all her emotions in the kiss and almost forgave her for everything in that moment. I pulled away slowly looking her in her beautiful eyes , " it's over Dianne." I said to her before exiting the house.

I could hear Dianne's screams and cries from the other side of the door. For a moment I wanted to turn around and go back into the house but I knew that wasn't the best for neither one of us. Dianne didn't love me like I needed her too and she deserv to be with someone who she actually loves. And I deserve to be with someone who actually loves me...

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