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N A R R A T I V E   C H A P T E R !


"Lisa?" Jungkook knocked on the door of Blackpink's dorm, calling out his girlfriend's name. After the day they became official and had their little comfortable date, time escalated quickly and both of them got busy with their schedules, rarely meeting up. But they made sure to share cute phone calls and texts. Being an idol was difficult and dating was a bigger problem. The company and the fans; it's like they were the ones to decide your fate.

"What are you doing here?" Lisa opened the door, almost whispering making sure no one would hear them. It was half past ten and the sky was dark, the stars adorning it, an ecstatic sight too beautiful to miss. Lisa's gaze fell on the neatly decorated box Jungkook held carefully in his arms.

"I knew you wouldn't have slept. Now let me in, I'm cold," Jungkook walked in as Lisa closed the door behind them. "I know you're pretty upset after the whole prank. I wanna make it up to you," he whispered turning around to greet Lisa's confused face. 

"Well, I guess you've brought something for me in that box. But before that, let's make ourselves comfortable on the couch," she signaled him to sit next to her. Indistinct voices were heard from the TV as an old Christmas movie played.

"Before you open this, guess what might be inside," Jungkook asked with a gleaming smile, looking at the box he held. The pastel green box which was fairly big had a bright red ribbon decorated on top. It fit the Christmas theme perfectly. 

"Looking at the size, I'm not really sure. Just open it already," Lisa adjusted herself to face Jungkook who gave a small nod before gently opening the box. What Lisa was greeted with was something she definitely didn't expect.

There sat a sleeping kitten on a soft, bright yellow fabric with bunny designs printed on it. It looked as though the kitten was sleeping for ages, looking undisturbed even after Lisa let out a loud squeal.

"What the hell, Jungkook?! You aren't supposed to attack me like this! Look at this little fluff ball, who gave you the right to be this cute huh?!" She took the kitten from her boyfriend, gently wrapping it with the fabric. It finally opened an eye due to the disturbance. A Munchkin kitten with pure white fur was the least Lisa could expect at this late hour.

"She looks like a snowball," Jungkook snuggled closer to Lisa, laying his head on the crook of her neck while the cat slept peacefully on her lap. "What are you gonna name her?" he asked, gently stocking the kitten with his thumb.

"Let me think," she replied before giving a long pause. "What about Luna?" she turned towards Jungkook who simply hummed in response. "You don't like it?" she looked at him expecting a reply. 

"What about JK?" he suddenly jolted up, startling the poor kitten as Lisa as well. 

"Damn, keep it low, you startled the poor kitten," she eyed him playfully before shifting her gaze back to the sleeping beauty on her lap. "Why JK though?" she continued.

"I don't know, I just felt like saying it," he replied before snuggling back close to Lisa. "Why weren't you asleep yet? I came as a surprise preparing to climb the window to your room but you opened the door almost immediately," he snaked his arm around her waist. He spoke with a soft voice, sleep evident.

"I wasn't sleepy. The others were pretty exhausted, so they just went to sleep. Even though I'm equally tired, I'm not sleepy. I was watching TV. What about you? You wanna stay tonight?" she turned her attention to Jungkook whose eyes looked heavy. "There's no way you're driving back as long as you wanna sleep drive. I'll just call Namjoon," Lisa gently placed the kitten back in the box before taking Jungkook's heavy arm off her. He immediately dropped on the couch when she stood up. He had already fallen asleep. 

"This is gonna be a long night," Lisa sighed before dialing Namjoon. She anxiously waited for him to pick, thinking he would be worried as for where their maknae was just in case Jungkook hadn't told them he was coming over. Namjoon finally picked up after a couple of rings. "Hello? Namjoon? It's me, Lisa. Jungkook fell asleep so I'll just wake him up in the morning. Is that okay? Yeah sure, thanks," she sighed before looking at Jungkook who was comfortably sleeping on the couch. 

"Now how shall I get him to the room?"

— ▸ —

An ugly, familiar sound greeted Lisa as she groaned, snoozing her alarm for the nth time. She felt a breath too close to her neck and an arm wrapped around her waist. She tried turning around but the grip was too strong to get away. Jungkook was cuddling her but if he took it to the next level, he would be choking her with his might.

"Jungkook..." she groaned trying to wake the boy who was in deep slumber. She took his arm off and finally got up, checking her phone to see the time.

6:09 am

It would be convenient if Jungkook left their dorm at least by 6:30. She struggled to wake Jungkook up and the boy finally woke up after what felt like a hundred tries. 

"Good morning," he cooed but Lisa was already in a grumpy mood.

"Get going quickly, Namjoon told me you have practice today," she replied before folding the sheets.

"Right, the practice. I actually had a good sleep. You're so cuddly when you're asleep," he teased the latter before lazily dragging his feet from the bed.

"Yeah, very funny, you were the one practically cuddling me. Now quick!" she groaned pushing Jungkook to walk faster. The latter did so, not wanting to annoy Lisa more. After 15 minutes, he was finally done lazing around. He petted Luna one last time before walking to the door.

"Drive safely, bye," Lisa said before walking him out. 

"Wait," Jungkook swiftly turned around to peck her on the lips, making her cheeks turn into a light shade of pink. He mouthed a 'love you' before walking to his car leaving Lisa smiling like there was no tomorrow.

They both were popular idols after all. Should they have been more careful?


a short narrative :)
also, i'm leaving you guys on a cliffhanger but don't worry, it's a predictable one lmao.
i could literally listen to miracle all day. that song really calms your mind, ngl.

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