Hair Love

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Neither of the two were about putting their kids in the spotlight

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Neither of the two were about putting their kids in the spotlight. But this opportunity was really cool they had to admit. It would bring Blue attention but for a great reason.
"So you know my friend Matthew Cherry? The one that wrote your favorite book Hair Love?" Beyoncé asked her daughter.
"Yeah I remember him" Blue said.
"Well he wants you to narrate the book for him."
"Narra-whaa?" Blue asked.
Beyoncé giggled. "Narrate, he wants to record you reading it."
"Oh! .. why?" She asked confused.
"You know how sometimes I put on audiobooks instead of reading them to you guys?"
"Oh he wants me to be the audiobook?" Blue asked understanding better now.
"Yeah.. something like that. Well what do you think?"
"I'll do it!" She agreed excitedly.


It took her a few takes with the studio equipment to get comfortable.
"It's ok Blue Blue just read it like you do at home" her mother encouraged her.
Blue inhaled then exhaled slowly to calm her nerves. She did another take which was much better than the others. Eventually she read through the whole book and everyone was satisfied with the outcome.
"So when does it come out?!" Blue asked.
"It'll be a little while until it's in stores but we'll get a copy as soon as they're done editing" her mother informed her.
"All that work and now I have to wait?" She questioned.
Beyoncé chuckled understanding that feeling all too well. "Yeah waiting can be hard especially when you put your all into something, but it'll be worth it I promise."


A few weeks later a copy of the audiobook was emailed to them.
"Blue is gonna be so excited look what came" Beyoncé showed Jay her MacBook screen.
"Oh, that's the book?" He asked.
"Lefty!!" Her father called.
Not too long after Blue came running down the hallway to their room.
"Yes daddy?"
"Your mom has something to show you."
She hopped on their bed and peeked at her moms laptop.
"It's the audiobook!" Her mom said.
"Yaaay! Wait I want Rumi and Sir to hear it."
A few minutes later she came back with her brother and sister, Rumi a little more eager than Sir.
She helped her siblings on the bed.
"Guys I want to read you a story" Blue said to the twins.
"Ok mommy play it please."
Beyoncé presses play and the recording began.
"Dreamscape presents: Hair Love by Matthew A. Cherry. Narrated by Blue Ivy Carter."
They both couldn't help but beam with pride when the recording started. Their little girl was growing up.
"Boo?" Rumi asked when she noticed the voice coming from the tv they were casting the audiobook on.
"Yeah that's me Rumi" blue smiled widely.
"Boo in there?" Sir asked confused.
"Its just her voice Junior don't worry" his father assured him.
The twins actually sat pretty still and listened to the book.
"My hair is mommy, daddy and me it's hair love!" That was the last line of the book.
"Yaaay Boo!" Rumi clapped.
"Boo out now?" Sir asked he still was having trouble grasping the concept of his sister's voice coming out the tv when she was right there in front of him.
Blue, Bey and Jay chuckled at the toddler.
"If you're asking if it's over Sir, yes it is" Blue told him.
"Good job Boo" Sir said.
"Thank you."
The twins got down off the bed and ran to play again.
"Baby it came out so good I'm so proud of you" her mother said hugging her tight.
"Thank you mommy you're squeezing me" she said trying to get out of her grasp.
"Yeah Lefty we're so proud" her dad agreed squeezing both her cheeks with one hand.
"I can't wait for show & tell at school so my class can hear it's going to be better than the time I got to tell my class about our trip to Africa!"
Her parents both shot each other a look, her getting a front row seat to learn about her heritage was worth far more than her narrating a book but she's eight years old so they could see how she wouldn't understand that yet.
"I'm sure you class will love it" Beyoncé agreed.

"I like my baby heir with baby hair and afros" -Beyoncé (Formation)

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