Finale/Chapter 5: Under the Sola Tree

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Last Chapter, hope it worthy for a finale, and thank you for anyone who read and kept reading my fanfic, I appreciate it, so enjoy.


I walked out of my apartment building and began to walk along the river side to the South Gate Park. I looked at the reflection of my appearance in the calm and gentle water of the river. Happy about my looks, I thought I looked pretty good. I flinched at the thought repeatedly thinking, "That's not how it is, this is all wrong..." this time I thought about my insecure feelings, from another view.

I thought, "What do I want?"

"It can't be that bad if we're together, right, and I do like him." My subconscious shyly whispered.

Hearing those words "I do like him," leave the confinement of my lips my slight blush turned into an unimaginably red blush, with the added feeling of a tight and heavy chest. The sure feeling alone, made me confident about my decision.

"I am in love with Natsu," I both fragilely and assertively said to myself. I continued to South Gate Park, ready to lose to my true undoubting feelings for him. I walked further, to end up seeing the Sola tree, and a figure with his trademark scarf and his natural salmon hair, it was Natsu.

I slowly walked towards him, running over what I want to say. But I thought of the unthinkable possibility; is he even going to confess, does he actually like me? I compressed the unsatisfying feeling and continued to walk. Natsu realised I arrived and then he started running towards me. When he stopped, he was in arm's length, so I took a deep breath and nervously whispered, "Um... What did you wan to talk to me about?" waiting for his response I put on a fake smile, not ready for either possibility.

The silence was broken when he said in an excited joyful tone, "Oh good. You see I found out that there's treasure buried here, and I wanted you to help me dig it up." My whole being not prepared to hear this froze as both my mind and heart felt as if, they were shattered, knowing that he had no intention of confessing to me. The only way I could, and knew to cope with this explosion of emotions was to cry. His face told me everything, he was confused and concerned.

"Lucy..." I slapped his arm away from me, as he attempted to comfort me.

"Natsu just leave me alone." I scowled. I began to walk away, with limitless amounts of tears, until I felt a tug on my arm.

It was Natsu, "Lucy, please help me dig up this treasure," he insisted. The nerve of those words sent a burning wave of anger throughout my very being, and without knowing it, I slapped Natsu. Realising my actions, I couldn't tell whether it was the right or wrong thing to do. The slap was harsh and I could tell he now understood the state of my emotions. But, Natsu's grip did not loosen, it tightened.

He repeated, "Please Lucy, I really do, need your help."
I looked back in disgust slapping him harder, demanding, "Let go!" I slapped him again and again, yet his grip and posture didn't change. I immediately stopped when something caught my eye, it trailed down his face. It was a tear. But it wasn't just a tear; it was multiple piling up and trailing down his dejected face.

He fell to his knees and begged me, "Please Lucy, it's really important to me." Realising how unnatural he was acting and how he must be feeling, I decided to help him in both curiosity and pity. And I can't slap him anymore; I can't tell if it's who it's hurting more him or me.

I wiped away the rest of my tears and sniffled, "Fine, can we just hurry." I could see a sense of hope grow in Natsu's eyes. Without saying another word I followed him and picked up a shovel. I started to dig, unsure of whether I should be helping him, considering how I'm feeling.

Digging further and further, I felt the shovel hit something hard, and whimpered, "I think I found it." To my surprise it was a little red box. I picked it up and saw words carved into it.

It was written, "To: Lucy,"

And, "From: Natsu."

Those words made me curious, and so I asked him, "Natsu? Did you put this...?"

He cut me off, giving his signature grin, and saying, "Open it." I opened the little box; there was a tiny folded piece of paper. I looked up at him, seeing the same smile, and then looked back down, focusing on the paper. I took it out, unfolded it, and saw words with a picture next to it. As I began to read, the red little box fell out of my hands, as I was shocked and couldn't believe what I just saw. On the paper there was a picture of me, and three simple words that were yet easy to read but hard to understand.

These words were, "I Love You," he said as I looked up to him with tearful eyes.

He began to talk again, with embarrassment and apologised, "Sorry to put you through all this, I'm not exactly good with all this lovey dove..." I stopped him before he could finish apologising, by forcefully pressing my lips against his.

My thoughts at that moment were, "I kissed him, I kissed Natsu!" I felt the warmth and passion of his lips; it felt as if I could do this for hours, even days.

I parted my lips from his, to catch my breath and whispered "I love you too, idiot."



Thanks for ready, and sorry I couldn't make the fanfic longer, I just didn't have the time.
;) ;) ;) ;)

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