the royals

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Rachell noticed she was dived on thinking and here it's already morning.the morning view looks beautiful from the palace.the huge royal lavishing room is gorgeous which she didn't noticed earlier.

Suddenly she heard slight knock on door.

May I come in princess the maid said.
Rachell said"in low voice.yeah come in.

The gentle lady gives rachell a warm smile and introuduce herself.

Miss cordilia said"hi princess iam your maid cordilia your grandma send me here for you.i will help you to dressed up.

Rachell said"thanks cordilia but iam not interested to dressed up can you say duchess that I want to go home.

Cordilia said"princess I know u need some time for settlement but where you wants to go princess it's your own family.your right place.well I leave you alone princess.

Duchess Elizabeth got the news that rachell is sad and not coming out of her room.


A few moment later grandma enters in my room.

I said"uh grandma!
Grandma said"rachell my dear princess look I know you are still in a shock but it's the reality dear you are a princess your father and mother used to love you a lot.your mother died on a assasin attack in that same attack you lost your way.we all tried to find you but we couldn't after so many years we found you dear.if your parents were alive they would became very happy to see you.but sadly two years ago king Edward your dad has also died.grandma start to cry.

I said"grandma please don't cry.i want to know one more thing am I the only kid of my parents?
Grandma said"no dear you have sibling you have a sister but.
Before grandma could finished I said"but?
Grandma said"she is your step sister.when your mother died king Edward married lady Mary because royal family nedded their future king or queen.
I said"uh-oh.
Grandma said"look rachell now get ready I bought a beautiful black dress for you.
Rachell said"wow the dress is beautiful and black is my favourite colour but grandma iam not used to wearing this kind of dress.
Grandma laughted a bit then she said"oh it's okeay you will get habbit with this.

As I changed came out from the dressing room I looked at mirror I looked like a real princess.but I was still sad wipe out my teary eyes I was missing my village home,family .still can't accept they weren't my real family I spend my 12 years there they are my everything.

As grandma looked at me she said"you are looking has the same light brown eyes and brown hair like your mom madelein.then she said"everyone is waiting for me in downstair for breakfast.

I went to the downstair slowly slowly.grandma introduce me with my step sister roselein.i glared at her she is modern,smart and hot as well.

I said"hi roselein.
Roselein doesn't seems happy to see me.she replied"( with a bad attitude)hi sis rachell.welcome to the palace.
I said"thanks.roselein said"I know you are not used to live on that luxuriouse palace and you don't know any royal family manners but if you feel uncomfortable there is also horse farm here you can stay on there.

I became shocked how she is so unhappy that I came here but I didn't mind that much because she lived alone all these years so maybe she is having problems to accepting me as her sister.roselein is just one year younger than me iam of 18 and she is 17.

Later grandma introuduce me with lady mary.roselein's mother.i was imagining why she didn't get the queen title.later I found out grandma didn't used to like her and she never gave my mom's title to that lady.also I didn't knew why grandma also hold the title of duchess besides of queen because grandfather was also the Duke of cordonia.

Lady Mary is beautiful she has red hair and green eyes she gave me a smile but a jealousy was clearly showing on her smile.

Lady Mary said"hello princess rachell.
I said"hello lady Mary nice to meet you.
Lady Mary said"I didn't heard wrong that your mom was beautiful cause you are very beautiful.
I said"thnxx but not like you lady mary.
I understand she is very sweet from outer but she actually very shocked and unhappy for my arrival.i ignored all that.

When I came back to grandma.i saw a young handsome boy is standing with grandma.his hair is golden his eyes were blue with a beautiful jawline.when he saw me he gave me a playful look.i felt a little weird does he even know me he is acting iam very familiar to him.

The boy said to grandma"won't you introuduce me with rachell granny?
Then grandma said to me"rachell he is prince nathan.son of my own daughter princess Rebecca.
I said"oh.
My grandma said"well you two continue the conversation I have some work.
Prince Nathan said"rachell the garden of the palace is beautiful will you join me for a walk.
I needed some fresh air and I love gardens so I agreed.
Nathan said"well princess take my hand.
I said"uh-no it's fine.i felt little weird why he is so friendly

I was walking on the garden with nathan.
I asked Nathan"so where is your mother princess Rebecca?
Nathan became a little sad.he said"my mom is no more in the world.
I said"oh iam sorry prince.
Nathan said"it's okeay rachell let's go on that side well do you remember that fountain we used to play here!
I said"no I don't remember anything were you my childhood friend?
Nathan said"yeah but not that good friend cause I used to come here maybe on  6month to a year.but after mom's death iam here with grandma.

Before I say something a maid said grandma was calling me.

I said to Nathan" I have to go now.

He said"well bye princess.

As I enter on palace roselein blocks my way.she was on anger.
Roselein said"how dare you?what do you think you will take away my nathan.dont ever hangout with him.what did you think he was engaged with you from the childhood that doesn't mean he will be yours.he is mine.
I said"what-what? I was engaged with Nathan?

Rachell got another shock.

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