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“Oh my god. I can’t believe they’re actually here in New York! I’m gonna cry. Jesus Christ help me,” I said fangirling over the phone with my best friend, Aubree about our favorite boy band, One Direction.

I was walking quickly through the dirty streets of New York City like I did everyday. I’ve lived here all my life and I’m seriously starting to get tired of this shit. Everything seems so dull once you’ve been here long enough. It’s all the same.

“We should pray together that we find them and get to meet them and everything.” I said almost tripping on some garbage that was left on the floor.

I could have died just because of those little shits that decided they can’t throw their garbage into a garbage can be like normal, civilized people. What assholes. I was drifting into my own stupid thoughts while Aubree rambled on about HD pictures of Niall she saw today. I started to walk faster, remembering my parents were probably waiting for me so they can give me another lecture about why I’m late. Parents are literally the worst. I was just about to give Aubree a short “mhm” so she could think I was actually listening to her when I bumped into something. It was a restaurant sign. Aw how cute of me to embarrass myself like that in public! I mumbled sorry even though there was no one there to say it to, I guess it was force of habit. Cause let’s face it, I’m probably the clumsiest and most awkward person to have ever lived on this planet. It’s quite sad actually.

“Ari? Are you okay?” Aubree asked through the phone.

“Oh it was nothi…”

I couldn’t even finish my god damn sentence because I fucking bumped into something or should I say someone once again. It was a lady, she was dressed in classy clothing and was talking into a cell phone all professional like before I bumped into her.

“I’m so sorry”, I said quietly, instantly feeling embarrassed for being so clumsy.

“Oh it’s okay darling!” the woman said with the cutest British accent still looking at her Iphone when she said that. She then looked up at me and gasped.

“I think I just found what we were looking for” the lady talked into her phone.

“Hello I’m Marie Belle Sinclair, you might of heard of me before. I work for this modeling agency you might of heard of? La vraie beauté?”

I nodded, even though I wasn’t even sure if I knew whatever the fuck she was talking about. But the name sounded familiar so I just went along with it.

“Well I think you should work with us.” she said brightly smiling.

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