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One flight with three stops later, you were in Mexico with way too many bags. You didn't understand how people could just pick up and move across the country - you didn't even think you had this much stuff. Hell, you were in college. You only had one room that wasn't even really yours. How did that create this many bags?

 Still, you piled them onto the bench outside the airport and pulled your phone out, clicking call on Nieve's contact again. She picked up on the first ring.

"Hi babe." She said. "I'm pulling into the airport now."

"Okay cool." You said. You'd been practicing your Spanish more ever since you were accepted to study abroad, and you were happy to report that your efforts had paid off. Talking to Nieve a bunch in preparation for your trip helped as well - although when she would rant really fast, you still got lost sometimes. "I'm on a bench by the front of the airport."

"Okay!" Nieve said. You could hear something clicking in the background of the call. "I'll be out front in five."

"See you in a bit." You said, ending the call. You leaned back  against the wall of the airport behind you, and just watched the people pass for a while. It was kind of surreal that you were even here - already the air felt warmer and thicker than it did back home, and there was a taste of excitement and things to come dancing on the breeze. 

It already felt magical and you were just sitting outside an airport. 


You broke out of your daze to see a tall, tanned woman coming towards you. Her lace cardigan and smooth dark hair flowed behind her as she breezed towards you. Bright amber eyes and a wide smile stopped in front of you. You would recognize her anywhere. 

Hugging, Nieve, you smiled. "It's so good to see you again!"

She squeezed you back enthusiastically. "It's been too long babe!"

You pulled back to see the other person that had come up behind her. Short brown hair, a sharp jawline and soulful brown eyes looked back at you. It wasn't immediately clear whether they were a man or a woman, so you were glad when Nieve stepped in to introduce you.

"Y/N, this is my partner, Reyes." Nieve said. "Reyes, this is my darling cousin."

They nodded politely. "Nice to meet you."

You smiled back. "And you."

Nieve clapped her hands before turning to your bags. "Here, I'll take these ones..." She picked up two of the biggest bags with ease and began toting them back towards the parking lot. Reyes picked up a few more bags, and you grabbed some as well, following them to where they had parked. 

Nieve's car was... well loved. It was an deep aqua color, but the paint was scratched in places. It was obvious that the car was beyond old, but there were signs that she had kept it the best she could - it was clean, and smelled nice when she popped open the trunk to set your bags inside. You and Reyes dumped your loads in as well and headed back for the rest.

It took you three trips to get everything back to the car, and there was barely enough room for you in the backseat when you were done. You squeezed in anyway though, and held on for dear life as you tried not to get pummeled by your luggage around sharp turns. 

 "Thank you again for letting me stay in your apartment with you." You said as Nieve pulled out of the parking lot. 

Back when you had been sorting out the details of the trip, Nieve had offered you the spare room in her apartment instead of you having to find your own place, as it turned out she didn't live too far from where the campus was anyway. You had accepted the offer, grateful that you would have someone you already knew well to stay with, and that you wouldn't have the extra hassle of housing in a foreign country.

"Of course babe." Nieve said. "It's going to be so fun! We can go out together, and get you some nice clothes, and go to lunch and -oh! We can go drinking together!"

You laughed when Reyes scrunched their nose in distaste. "Don't worry, I wont enable her."

They turned back to look at you over the shoulder of their seat before facing front again. "Nieve I like your cousin."

Nieve laughed. "I knew you would." She said. "Y/N is everyone's favorite cousin. In seventh grade, when she and Tia came down to visit..."

Nieve trailed off into a long winded story about your seventh grade vacation, and you settled into the car ride, looking out the window as the buildings passed. It was strange how different they seemed from American buildings - they were made of different things and were built in a different style than American buildings, but there was a sense of home about them anyway. 

The foliage here was different too. The plants looked stronger, and were a more hearty green than back in the States. Maybe it was the climate. 

Reyes' laugh brought you back into the car. "You actually got mad?"

You knew exactly what story they were talking about. "Of course I got mad, I didn't know." You defended. "In America, they don't touch your food without gloves. It about being clean."

Reyes shook their head. "Americans." 

Nieve giggled and continued on with the story. "But it gets better. Tia had to step in and tell Y/N that this poor woman was just trying to make her food..."

You sighed, leaning against the seat and closing your eyes. The jet lag was starting to catch up to you, and you could feel yourself getting drowsy. Your head felt heavy, and you tilted it back against the seat, resting. 

The gentle motion of the car as Nieve drove and the chatter as she told Reyes about your seventh grade adventures lulled you to a much needed sleep.

SUMMER HEARTS // Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now